Valkyrie Steel AKA "Hawk"
28 years old.
Was engaged to a man named Ricardo Toretto whom she'd grown up with.
He was coming back into town right when the infection set in.
Those infected pummeled him and killed him right in front of her.
Before all the chaos, Valkyrie was a professional boxer.
She always had fun with it, and besides that, she mostly was the winner.
Her father taught her to win. He had her study with a different sensei every year since she was 6 years old.
This was not a problem, considering her driven personality and perserverance. No fear.
As a child, she'd get hurt and laugh. Broke her arm twice and never cried or complained.
Aside from her job, she had archery as a hobby. Now it's a lifesaver in her situation.
Valkyrie also raced cars. She has knowledge of car engines and all the science sorties like momentum and velocity.
Mathematics runs through her head like water in rivers.
Her situation now is just to find safety.
Someone to be around, instead of fighting these things all day.
Valkyrie loved being able to walk down the street any given time in the day without being bothered.
Now she has to be worried about being attacked by something any second.
Luckily, she's been trained in martial arts.
She's strong; physically and mentally.
This is her dog, Captain. He's a Siberian husky. She trained him to stay away from the creatures and be obedient, but at the same time, loyal.