" All my life i had to fight "
It all began...
The year is 2032 and the world has gone up shits creek. On 2012 the Japanese started a project where humans can have different super powers. First it started as a horrible experiment and caused a lot of people to die. But then chemicals released into the air. Then chaos emerged. Many humans died, but other, very, very few became the 'Super Humans.' But not enough, and the world was very quite. Only 0.98% of the worlds population became the super. As soon as the news hit the underworld, demons, vampires, skin walkers, and zombies started surfacing the world and making it their own. The Devil took over the Human world and every human that any demon see's must be taking to hell and be executed and serve for him with their powers....
P o d " A "
Taffani Boltan
Nickname: Taffy.
Sex: Female.
Age: 17.
Height/Weight: 5"7 / 132,9lbs.
Build: Boyish, flat chest.
Skin: Peach.
Eyes: Baby blue.
Hair: Choppy, very short, light blonde.
Race: Super Human.
Sexuality: Lesbian. [doesn't believe in love... used to...]
Relationship Status: She wants to love Boo but its hard to.
gun 1 || holy water || Healing potion
Powers: Speed.
Birthplace: London.
Relatives: Tammy is her twin. Orphan.
Personality: Rude, cocky, adventurous, serious, protective, and pretty much a bad a**.
Song of my life: [x]
Background: Taffy was the first one to be born, on 06/06/06. Her father was a priest and her mother was a stay at home mom. But even though her father was a holy man, in their village in London, people said it was quite bazaar that they were the only ones born that day, the day of the devils birthday. Even if other mothers were about to give birth they didn't until midnight. Many people found it strange. As for the sisters, they weren't aloud outside to play with their neighbors. They were even home schooled. Their father wasn't any normal priest. He had seen things, that you can never take back. He delt with excorsims, and even battled demons before. But he feared his children were not safe, and that demons might try to harm the both of them. And their father knew that the Devil himself wanted the two girls. When the chemicals released into the air many people died that night. Even their mother and father. Taffy had to raise her sister. But when Demons were let out onto earth Taffy knew more than what her father thought she knew. Taffy would always look up things to keep her safe from demons. When she was younger a angel appeared in her dream telling her that she should be very careful and when she would turn 15 her and her sister would have to fend for themselves. Taffy took the warning very serious and would learn how to keep herself safe. Now that Taffy is older her and her sister fight to stay alive and away from hell. Even though... Hell is on earth.

Tammatha Boltan.
Nickname: Tammy.
Sex: Female.
Age: 17.
Height/Weight: 5"2 / 112.4lbs.
Build: Hour glass figure, sexy build.
Skin: Peach.
Eyes: Black.
Hair: black hair and blonde bangs, always in ponytails.
Race: Super human.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
RelationShip Status: Likes Spike. (Sister forrbidds love. Says it'll "destract them" blah!)
baseball bat || Knife
Powers: Jump to at least 200 feet.
Birthplace: Londan.
Relatives: Taffy, orphan.
Personality: sweet, funny, plays "Innocent", seductive (she plays as a spy.)
Song of my life: [x]
Background: Tammy was never prepared for this to happen, but she knows her sister will take care of her and never will let anything bad to happen. Even though Tammy is very trust worthy, Taffy has to try everything in her power to keep her sister from going down the wrong path. Tammy know's little of how to keep herself safe. Tammy's baseball bat has a holy cross on it, and if she swings it at any demon and "hits a home run" their whole face will start melting. She also has a knife, with latin words on it saying the "Our Father" prayer. Luckily Tammy and Taffy has never delt with a high level demon before.

Age: unknown [actually 19, she believes shes younger.]
Sex: Female.
Height/Weight: 4”9 // 95.4lbs.
Build: Tiny, a little chubbish a build of a little girl.
Skins: Pale, cracked mostly everywhere.
Eyes: Slanted, all black, long, long eyelashes.
Hair: Black, long (all the way down to the floor and more) parted in the middle, messy and made out of twine.
Race: unknown.
Sexuality: whats love?
RelationShip Status: Has weird feelings for Nightmare. Feels safe around him.
Weapons Her hair.
Powers: Her hair is used for walking (Hair moves she controls it) and she can whip it and cause damage.
Birthplace: Russia.
Relatives: Killed off
Personality: quite, not talkative because if she does her voice is scratchy, and high pitched, she likes to say “Meep” a lot, she’s child-ish, friendly, sweet, and sometimes keeps to herself.
Song of my life: [x]
Background: Meep's real name is Galina Asimov she was born in Russia, but soon was taken into the hospital because she was affected by the chemicals. Her hair began to coil as if it was made of twine and her eyes turned all black. Her skin cracked and she would faint almost everyday. Her family had no choice but to send her to the hospital. The nurses and doctors thought she would die soon. But that night she woke up in the middle of the night, and she couldn't remember anything. The only thing that came to mind was a little grey bear. When she got out of bed, all the nurses and doctors were dead. She saw a demon eatting the flesh of a nurse. At first she started crying. The demon thought she was one of them. Meep ran away. Running down the street until she noticed a house. At first she didn't know what to do. But she then went inside. There was skeletons everywhere, a skeleton sitting on a chair, looking at a empty tv, another in the kitchen, and more and more. Her family had died, and their souls were gone. Meep found a little teddy bear, the one thing she only remembered. She went back outside and it began to rain, her paper hospital dress began to crumble, but she wasn't cold at all, her body heat was at least 103, and would always stay that way. Her hair began to coil and move the way she wanted it. She soon noticed she could move her own hair, she covered her chest and privates with it. She walked around, not knowing what to do. Seeing many inncocent lives taken. The demons really didnt think much of her. They thought she was just one of them....

Spencer Leejones.
Nickname: Spike
Sex: Male.
Age: 18
Height/Weight: 6”2 // 63.2lbs
Build: anorexic, skinny, bones.
Skin: Pale, almost white.
Eyes: Dark grey, very tiny.
Hair: Black, grudge-ish, messy, kind of like Chris. Drew.
Race: Shape Shifter/Seeker
Sexuality: Straight.
RelationShip Status: Really really likes Tammy. Like a lot.
Powers: hands, have cross on the palm, sharp fingers, Shapeshifter,Eats everything (Bottomless pit) and if eyes turn white, there is a good soul and if black their bad.
Birthplace: Transylvania
Relatives: Has a father who is on the demons side.
Personality: creepy, funny, sweet, kind, gentle, and friendly.
Song of my Life: [x]
Background: (working on bio)

Nicholas Rodriguez
Nickname: Nightmare.
Sex: Male.
Age: 22
Height/Weight: 6"3 / 217lbs.
Build: Big, muscular.
Skin: Tan.
Eyes: all black, round.
Hair: mohawlk, shaved designs. (look at refs)
Race: Human.
Sexuality: Stright.
RelationShip Status: "Single and ready to mingle! If there were any single non crazy girls left on this planet."
Powers: When he looks at your eyes, and you look at his, he sees your worst nightmare and it comes to a reality.
Weapons: Bazooka, a lot of guns, and many weapons.
Birthplace: New York.
Personality: Optimistic, friendly, tough, kind, caring, protective, and kinda dumb.
Song of my life: [x]
Background: Before the world went to an end, Nick wasn't like any other person. He is a Native American with an obsession with guns. He was always shooting and practicing So he was well prepared for the battle. When the apocolysipe happened it took him a while before reaching his destination. He went to the holy lands, his parents and grandparents knew something was going to end on 2012 so they told him if anything happened to go there, and no evil will harm him. It's a vast land, and he's surviving by sleeping on the floor and just eatting what nature brings him.
(not too much about him sorry ^^;; )

Sex: Always says 'i have no gender' (really male, cross dresser.)
Age: 19
Height/Weight: 5"8 / 135.6lbs.
Build: Girlish figure, skinny, slim.
Skins: Pale, peach.
Eyes: Yellow one eye the other is white with scar one left eye.
Hair: medium, bowl cut, short bangs.
Race: Demon.
Sexuality: Stright (yes he likes girls)
RelationShip Status: Madly inlove with Taffy.
Powers: Levitation, can control things, people.
Birthplace: Japan.
Personality: Weird, funny, too goofy, never serious, a pervert, girly, loves dresses and skirts, always happy, kinda creepy.
Song of my life: [x]
Background: Born a boy, grew up wanting to be a girl. His real name is Yuki but his name was taken from him when he went to hell. His father never wanted to talk to him, even though he told him he liked girls. His father just saw a lesbian daughter. When the air leeked where they lived, all of his neighbors died. And Boo's mother passed but his father and Boo survied with great power. Boo's father was full of rage and blamed god for the death of his wife. Boo tried to explain that anger would never lead to good. But his father would never take his sons word. One day a demon talked to the both of them, telling the father if they serve for the devil, they'll get their wife/mother back. Boo shook his head but the father agreed. Boo served but his father was week. When his "mother" came back, it did look like her, but it wasn't her soul at all. Boo served until he was a high demon, and was aloud to potroll out into earth at night. When the sun arises all demons have to go back, because sunlight bothers them, but not Boo, because he has a good soul, it was just taken unjustified. One day, thats when he met the twins, the scary child, the demon eatter and gunman.

Group Song: Dance with the Devil