Name: Emmalina
Super Hero name: Knock-out Girl.
[they call her 'KO' for short.]
race: Taraian.
age: unknown.
height: 4''11
weight: 98.3lbs
Skin: tan.
eyes: slanted, empty, all white.
hair: light pink, very short. purple dots and anntenas.
cup size: D36
other: Taraians skelotions are made of cystal, and when young they have
holes in their back but when they have a epiphany, or a magical happening, they grow there wings. But for Emmalina that hasn't happened yet.
wings ALSO! Her arms are made of dimaionds, thats why she's always getting kidnapped, she hides them by her sleaves. One little punch and your done. abilities/powers: super punch, sonic scream, Telescopic or microscopic vision, and transportation.
birth place: Taraniom
relatives: orphan
weakness: Galmiun goo. A mutant scorpion goo that if around or touch can
be deadly. If inhaled she passes out, and if touched she starts melting.
references: avatar ref
(yes i edited the colors)
about Taraians: Taraniom is a planet far off in the galaxy, a place where everyone is in peace and haramony. Taraians do not believe in voilence or hurting others. Their world is very beautiful, with trees everywhere and plaints growing everywhere. They sleep upside down from the trees, and are one with nature. But they only have one enemy, the Galmiuns, scorpion mutants who have just recently started harming the Taranians, their goo that is stored in there tails is VERY deadly to the Tarainas.
personality: Very sweet, kind, adventureous, nothing like the Taraians, likes to defend herself. Also some times shy, a bit touch-y feel-y, a bit loud, very dramatic, likes to play games. She's kind of a child. Once she gets to know you she's very very touchy. She likes hugs, and tickle fights. :3
Likes: The Legion of Super Heroes [they are her idols], sweets, sleeping, having fun, Braniac 5, and alot of things.
Dislikes: Galmiuns, thinking of her home, horrible people, unjustice, people who jump to judgement.
Bio: Emmalina grew up like anyother Taranian. She learned the ways of her people about peace and loving one another, and she became the flute player at the family festivals. But around her 16th birthday the Galmiuns started coming to Taraniom and hurting the people. But Emmalina never backed down.
Emmalina is possibly the biggest fan of
L.O.S.H but ever since the Galmiuns have been taking over Tarainom, they have had no where to run. Emmalina had been fighting the Galmiuns all by herself and saying the Legion of Superheroes come and fight them off and leave. Which she lied. One day serveral more Galmiuns came to Taraniom and started killing off people. Emmalinas mother called the legion of super heros to help them. When they arrived, they noticed that Emmalina was the only one fighting. The L.O.S.H helped her defeat the Galmiuns, or so they thought.
Emmalinas mother ran back to see the L.O.S.H's there, and threw a big party for them. Durning the party, Emmalina heard a scream, and using her Telescopic vision and noticed a little girl in trouble, from the Galmiuns. She ran off to help her and the L.O.S.H's followed. They noticed the little girl was a decoy and when they killed off the one Galmiun they went back and noticed that her whole family and people where killed. Emmalina passed out from the goo, and the L.O.S.H's took her back to their space ship.
Emmalina cried and cried for days. She had no home. and no family.
She joined the L.O.S.H so no one would go through the pain she went threw. Her planet died because the joy and happniess went away, so she is the only Taranian left...

by Annaving
by LovlyRikku
by iAnzu
by napsie
by Petite Moe
by Frosty the Whoa Man
by i forgot. :C

by Eriuza
by xRinoa-Heartillyx
by x x A t m o s p h e r e
by Say What o_0
by spazzy uke
by Bonou Tomato
ME~! heart 
heart Crush~ heart Brainiac 5
more info on brainiac 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
others you can draw her with C:
Triplicate girl[Knock-Out Girls bestieeeee] superman bouncing boy timber wolf. phantom girl saturn girl Lightning Lad.