Friend codes for a series of video games I play that I can play online.
Games will be listed in alphabetical/numerical and sequence order.
Announcements: If you have my old FCs from before November 2010, delete them, mainly regarding Nintedo DS players. I am going to update as much information as I can for my different DS. My old one had to be abandoned.
Please read these rules and policies before looking at my FCs.
I have a policy for playing in wi-fi, so review the rules.
1. Play fair. No cheats or hacks should occur in online game play.
2. I live in Pacific time, so please let me know in advance what your time zone is when you want to play with me so I can schedule you.
3. It crosses me when you intentionally stand me out after we have agreed to play. There is no tolerance for that. I will put you on the liability list meaning people who read that list will be sure not to play with you since you can't be trusted to keep your proposal. If you are certain to be absent on the day I agreed to play with you, send me a notice as soon as possible. I am not mean, so I can allow a day or two for you to explain what happened when you're able to log into Gaia. Just remember, a good excuse doesn't guarantee you won't get in trouble.
4. If you are on the liability list, then do not bother with me. I mean it, I'm done with you, so don't bother me with sob stories, or any lies. Go too far and it becomes harassment.
5. While were discussing things here, remember the Gaia's Terms of Service.
6. I do not accept non-game material(s). For example, game material refers to items from Pokemon, Pokemon, and anything in that nature. It is against the rules to offer non-game materials such as real life money, Gaia gold/items/cash/account, Ragnarok items, personal information (home address, credit card number, bank account), etc. for game materials when making a deal. It's just against the rules and I don't want to get in trouble for being involved no matter how valuable your offer is. If I see you doing things like that elsewhere, I'm going to put you in the liabilty list.
7. Don't complain to me about the rules. It's there for both our benefits.
8. It is disrespectful to disconnect from wi-fi when things aren't going your way. Under no circumstances, should you disconnect. In my gaming years on wi-fi, most of the disconnections are accidental, so don't be a poor sport and disconnect.
9. There is no tolerance for words that are uncalled for like "you noob" or "you're a loser." There are times when we can voice chat in video games, but my ears are opened to listen to what you have to say so don't be rude. It is also polite to listen.
10. Make sure you're telling me accurately what you're FC is to avoid wasting time. It is not a crime for a slight mistake, but my advice is to take the time. If you think my FC is wrong, please tell me so I may help you with that problem and give you the correction. Another advice is to re-type the friend code just in case.
11. I have thought of something, although I never disconnect on purpose, there is a chance I will be disconnected by accident and not being able to contect you. It could be that my internet connection is lost, or power failure. I have a few ways to get on Gaia if I'm not on the computer is through the Wii or PSP. If I couldn't contact you on short notice, I may go to bed, or something is preventing me from contacting you.
12. More rules will be added or rules will change if necessary.
13. You will be asked if you want the game play to be recorded. If you say yes, that will enable me to record our gameplay and I will stream it on Youtube. The channel link is in my signature, or search "Grand Celestial" in Yotube search. I will not remove those videos if you change your mind later, because you gave me permission in advance. There are some circumstance where the terms of sercice of Youtube says "matching third party content" on the uploaded video where I have no choice but to remove it.
14. Names are not important when naming your friend in the list of people's FC(s) you added. Be sure to ask me for name suggestions. Since I have more than one Pokemon game, that idea came to my attention.
Yuna's FCs
Bleach Dark Souls: 0003-1032-2269
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon: 5242-9633-2591
Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars: 3997-4228-1157
Pokemon Black: TBA
Pokemon Heart Gold: 2880-6777-6595
Pokemon Platinum: 3868-5737-9725
Pokemon Soul Silver: 5028-1897-8013
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 0174-2159-1560
Tatsunoko VS Capcom: 0303-1585-2537
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