I'm available to join people who wnat to enter the Battle Frontier Mix Battle on Wi-fi.
Sadly, this feature works on Pokemon: Platinum Version.
When you wish to join in, you must exchange team info with me. I will tell you what Pokemon I have decided to use and tell you their move set, and you will tell me yours as well. That way we can be aware of what attacks are coming if your Pokemon uses a attack or move that affects all Pokemon like Teeter Dance, Earthquake, Discharge, Surf, Lava Plume, Selfdestruct, Explosion, Sandstorm, Hail, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Mist, and
Perish Song. We may risk knocking out my/your Pokemon.
We also share are thoughts about what Item are we holding, to make us aware that we are insured in some situations in battle. Leftovers for example makes us believe we have a defense Pokemon on our team that can insure it prolongs the battle, or
a Pokemon holding Choice Specs lets me/you know that the user needs to be covered.
I will NOT back stab by attacking your Pokemon on purpose and you shouldn't either.
Unless they benefit from it. If I or you use Discharge and my/your Pokemon who benefit from getting hit by electric attacks because of the ability Volt Absorb or Motor Drive, that should be fine. Or you use Water Pulse intentionally on Vaporeon, it should recover because of the Water Absorb ability is acceptable. If you use Teeter Dance while my/your Pokemon sent into battle has Own Tempo ability, its okay because they don't get confused.
The best strategy to evade all over moves is to use Protect, Detect, Fly, Bounce, or if your Pokemon uses Metronome and uses Shadow Force, or a Smeargle using Shadow Force.
If your/my Pokemon is using a Life Orb, we must have a defensive Pokemon that can use Wish, or a Pokemon that uses Leech Seed on the opponent, switch out with the Pokemon using Life Orb whenever you can or you can help it. The Life Orb user will recover even if they lost some HP to boost the damage to the opponent.
There are numerous strategies to choose from, make one up if you can?
Best Mix Battle Strategies (2 are shown above):
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I give up on RPs, don't PM me no more for RP requests, I will not respond.