Gin Turukashin

My Pics (Oldest to Newest) - [10']
Wolf Demon (1438 years old but looks 25)
Skin - He has a slight tan complexion.
Hair - He has really short blond hair. His bangs however hang down in front of his face and down to his chin.
Eyes- He has really bright blue eyes
Clothes -
Top: He wears a long sleeve white collar shirt but keeps the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Over that he wears a black vest.
Bottom: He wears a pair of blue jeans.
Feet: For some strange reason Gin doesn't like to wear any kind of shoes. He walks around everywhere bare foot. Since he doesn't get out much he really doesn't need to wear shoes.
Accessories: Around his neck he has a red tie and to hold his pants up he wears a black leather belt. On his left wrist is a metal bracelet. It's like what prisoners would wear on their ankles when under house arrest.
Armor: He has a brown shoulder pad on his right shoulder with a red cape attached to it.
Weapon: Coming Soon
Personality: Gin is basically a "Know-it-All". He's very smart and loves to show it to Rikonu, when Rikonu is in need of information. For most of the time he's very melancholy and talks in a monotone voice. Although he is very protective of one person, his little sister Gigi. He prefers to be called by his last name other then his first.
Background: Demons are enslaved to the vampires. Gin grew up as a slave to the Takora family long before Rikonu's father was even born. Gin was able to access the family's library and from there he learned most if not all of what he knows. Gin was always a loyal servant to the family and was granted special privileges. He was even allowed to leave the house alone for hours at a time. But when he found out that he had a little sister he made it his mission to escape and help her as well. Without even knowing her he felt a sense of love towards her. A love he couldn't, and wouldn't give to anyone else.
Because of demons being more powerful then vampire, the vampires created a bracelet that is put on each new born demon. This bracelet grows with the wearer and if removed at any time it will suck in the demons power and kill them. It also is programed by each owner so that if the demon was to try and escape the bracelet would explode. It could only be deactivated by the owner. So when Rikonu found out about how Gin wanted to help his sister, he released Gin under the rule that he worked with Rikonu, as a friend.
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