Elizabeth James

My Pics (Oldest to Newest) - [09'][11']
Vampire (108 years old but looks 26)
Skin - Pale, but still has a peachy glow. She has a scar across her left eye.
Hair - She has long sliver blond hair and always has it up either in a pony tail or braid. It goes down to her knees because since she was turned into a vampire she's never gotten in cut (Hair still grows as a vampire just not as fast as when they were human)
Eyes- They are a very pale pinkish-red that glow blood red when enraged
Clothes -
Top: Either wears a white night gown type dress with long selves or a sleeves robe type shirt with a collared neck; it flares out at the bottom like feathers. Either undershirt is covered with a small leather corset.
Bottom: When she's not wearing a dress, she just has light blue underwear on.
Feet: She has brown boots that come up over her ankles and black thigh high stockings.
Accessories: She has belts that either go over the dress or under the robe. She has a small satchel that sits opposite to the belts.
Armor: She has a single silver buckler on her right arm. It bares the cross of the Takora family. On her left should she wears a spiked shoulder guard and on her right forearm she wears a similar arm guard. When she's wearing her dress she has on a white cravat around her neck. On her left leg a red ribbin is tied half way up her thigh. Her right arm has a fingerless black glove and her left arm a black sleeve that ties on the forearm.
Weapon: Coming Soon
Personality: Liz is very shy, in her own way. She keeps to herself most of the time and doesn't really state her opinion. She has many but doesn't feel the need to involve them. He her past life her opinion got her in trouble for many of things and since she has decided that it's better if it's left unsaid.
Background: Liz was born in 1903 in a small town in England. She never knew her 'human' parents. They were collected off the streets, rounded up like cattle and forced to participate in various vampire experiments, including the conception of Elizabeth. She was the second attempt by the vampires to create a perfect sun baring vampire. It worked, for her. Once old enough to think they strapped wires and plugs into her to try and extract what ever gean . She was the perfect experiment until Rikonu kidnapped her. Rikonu couldn't stand what they were doing to her, putting her in cages and pumping her with all kinds of drugs. Liz was a bit scared at first when Rikonu took her away, but after the years she has grown to love him like a brother. When Liz is introduced to Serika she loves her from the start. She makes in her mission to always be there for Serika like a caring big sister.
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