Hello. I recently participated in NaNoWriMo and actually ended up with a novel, which is called Ben the Devil. So that means something; I have OCs. There are not many characters in this, actually, and each journal entry will be dedicated to a separate character. This one will be for a minor character, whose name is Jet.
Brief Description

Build: Tall and slim.
Skin: Pale-to-average.
Eyes: They change colors constantly. While you look at them, they go through ice-blue, violet, silver, gold, green, and any normal color. If you could catch them mid-change, that would be great. You can choose the colors. The only colors not allowed are red, pink, and black. Please feel free to experiment!
Facial Features: Angular. High cheek bones. Elegant. Thin-ish, but not horsey. Aesthetically pleasing. His general facial features are similar to those of Tulio from The Road to El Dorado. Example. (He's the black-haired one in the blue shirt and vest.)
Hair: Black, pulled back into a pony tail (tied back with a ribbon), with a few loose strands here and there. Decent length, Maybe middle of the shoulder blades.
Personality: Incredibly sarcastic. Suave. Polite and kind. Even when being sarcastic, he's kind. Laid back and calm. Nothing much will shock him, and he shows his amusement with half-smiles. He can also do that cool one-eyebrow thing when he's raising them.
Clothing: A very nice black pinstriped business suit (black with either white or red pinstripes), with a black leather trench coat (ankle length, if not sweeping the ground). Dress shoes with a square toe. An earring, not a stud,. It can be a fang, a leaf, whatever. A cross necklace. Black sunglasses (they have thin, rectangular lenses.)
Theme Song: I don't know. Something not too dark.
Description from the Book
"He was thin and tall. He was wearing weird clothes, but I’ve seen them since. It was a black pinstriped business suit with a long black leather trench coat, sort of like the one I wore. He had his hair, also black, pulled back into a ponytail, except for a few strands that were hanging in his face. He was wearing black sunglasses, and had an earring. He was wearing a necklace. It was a cross, but it didn’t ruin the effect. He was sarcastic-looking even with the glasses on. Then he removed them, and I felt like I had been slapped with a stick of solid sarcasm. His eyes were changing colors, slowly, from ice blue, to violet, to silver, to green, to gold, and a whole lot of normal colors.
. . .
'Better?' He asked. That was when he removed his glasses and tucked them into a pocket on his suit jacket."
I would like for you to draw him with the glasses in the pocket, please. Otherwise, his eyes would not be half so impressive.
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by Marclyn
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Traditional Coloring of xXx_Sightless_xXx's Second Piece
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by Lullus Farseer
Art by King Lionel
Art buy DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by Kuruupo
Art by Githy
Art by randomized mind
At by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Nasware
Art by Femjin
Art by Lyllianthus
Art by Dundeleedum
Art by Kiskis
Art by Hallow Quinn
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by xX The Em0 C up C a ke Xx
Art by Stariaria
Art by UntitledTurtles
Art by Mooglemeister
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by VoxAngeles (Jet is in the center.)
Art by Zuska Darling
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by Marclyn
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Traditional Coloring of xXx_Sightless_xXx's Second Piece
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by Lullus Farseer
Art by King Lionel
Art buy DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by Kuruupo
Art by Githy
Art by randomized mind
At by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Nasware
Art by Femjin
Art by Lyllianthus
Art by Dundeleedum
Art by Kiskis
Art by Hallow Quinn
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by xX The Em0 C up C a ke Xx
Art by Stariaria
Art by UntitledTurtles
Art by Mooglemeister
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by VoxAngeles (Jet is in the center.)
Art by Zuska Darling
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope very much that you will not only take this on, but also enjoy it.