Hello. I recently participated in NaNoWriMo and actually ended up with a novel, which is called Ben the Devil. So that means something; I have OCs. There are not many characters in this, actually, and each journal entry will be dedicated to a separate character. This one will be for one of the two main narrators, Palmer.
Brief Description

Build: Average-to-tall. Sort of athletic, but not ripped. Trim.
Skin: Lightly tanned. Maybe not even noticeably so.
Eyes: Blue-green or green-blue, whichever works for you. They change, so it doesn't really matter.
Facial Features: Manly, but not romance-novel-hero manly. Prominent jawline. Square-ish jaw/chin, but not so much as to make him look like a rectangle. No cleft at all. His mouth can be cruel or gentle. He can even have fangs, if you want, but he would need to look sadistic or really badly injured for them to make sense.
Hair: Shaggy blond. Not light blond, but anything else is fine.
Personality: Okay, this is the part where people are going to get things a little wrong, unless a do a very good job of explaining things. He is a murderer, and can make a game of it. He resents it, though, and only kills so that Daniel won't feel so bad about it. He's always afraid of being caught, even though a part of him wants to be. He doesn't kill people he cares about, children, or old people. He has rules. He swears so much that the most used word in the book is "********". He's actually very philosophical and thoughtful, though. He loves the sky, especially the stars. He has severe random mood swings, so his personality changes swiftly, randomly, and often. He acts angry most of the time, but most of the time he's actually just thinking and doesn't want to be disturbed. He's also insane, but you wouldn't know that his insanity is just who he is unless you know him. He feels like he's losing his mind quite often. He's strangely optimistic nearly all of the time, though. He can be drawn looking very happy if you want, or very sad, or very angry. Pretty much any strong emotion. When he does something, he does it as thoroughly as is possible.
A Bit of an Explanation for Some of His Personality: He is a clergyman who has completely abandoned his old beliefs. Okay, that's a lie. He still talks to God, but only recently. God will actually come to him if Palmer calls Him. He's also possessed, which causes some of the mood swings, and makes him do things he doesn't even want to think about. Also, he sometime has vampiric tendencies, but only when Ben (the Devil) wants him to, or if he's about to die. That's sort of a complicated statement, since he's pretty much immortal.
Clothing: I haven't really got too much of a preference. It can even bes something modern. Maybe just some plain old-fashioned tunics and trousers. Maybe a poofy shirt and tight vest. Something flamboyant, but not excessive. At least one bright color, with a nice contrast, preferably something like a white/black shirt with a brightly-colored vest or whatever. He dresses like this because, on some subconscious level, he wants people to remember that he and Daniel were there and make them pay. If you go modern, then he would probably dress fashionably, as long as there was some sort of flamboyance involved.
Weapon: Knives. Always knives. Mostly hunting knives. Many are concealed.
Theme Song: It changes. All of the applicable songs are by Avenged Sevenfold, except for one. Some of them are mood-specific. "Brompton Cocktail" is for when he's thoughtful. Same for "Dear God". "Bat Country" is for when he's feeling more insane than normal. And though it makes no sense, "A Little Piece of Heaven". And the one that's not by Avenged Sevenfold is "Fine" by Lemon Demon.
Description from the Book
WARNING: Explicit Language!
WARNING: Explicit Language!
"I turned my head a little and decided that he wasn’t. Then I went back to looking up into the sky some more. Yeah, I am going to go on and on about the ******** sky. This is my story, okay? I get to talk about what the ******** ever I want. And it was just so damned beautiful. I could just forget about all of my problems and all of the things I had become. A murderer. A vampire. A harbinger of pestilence and evil. And I was still considered a man of God."
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Traditional Coloring of xXx_Sightless_xXx's Second Piece
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by Esdella Vie
Art by mice and men
Art by King Lionel
Another piece by King Lionel
Art with Daniel by King Lionel
Art by Kuruupo
Art by DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by likeAlready
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Nasware
Art by Femjin
Art by Lyllianthus
Art by Apocalypse How
Art by Catherine Medici
Art with Daniel by Dundeleedum
Art by Kiskis
Art by Untitled Turtles
Art by Wiertz (Palmer is on the Right}
Another Piece by Wiertz (Palmer Has the Bag)
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Weirtz (Palmer is on the Left)
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by xX The Em0 C up C a ke Xx
Art by Stariaria
Art by Great_Aku_Ha
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by VoxAngeles (Palmer is on the left.)
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Traditional Coloring of xXx_Sightless_xXx's Second Piece
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by Esdella Vie
Art by mice and men
Art by King Lionel
Another piece by King Lionel
Art with Daniel by King Lionel
Art by Kuruupo
Art by DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by likeAlready
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Nasware
Art by Femjin
Art by Lyllianthus
Art by Apocalypse How
Art by Catherine Medici
Art with Daniel by Dundeleedum
Art by Kiskis
Art by Untitled Turtles
Art by Wiertz (Palmer is on the Right}
Another Piece by Wiertz (Palmer Has the Bag)
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Weirtz (Palmer is on the Left)
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by xX The Em0 C up C a ke Xx
Art by Stariaria
Art by Great_Aku_Ha
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by VoxAngeles (Palmer is on the left.)
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope very much that you will not only take this on, but also enjoy it.