Age;; sixteen
Sex;; Male
Sexuality;; Homosexual
uke/seme/seke;; uke
race;; Neko
race (2);; half japanese half French
likes;; singing, going for walks, drawing, laughing, sex, not being hurt, piano, violin, cooking, chocolate (weakness)
Dislike;; My masters son, being beaten, blood, cleaning, not being able to sleep in, tomatoes (allergic), pranks
eye color;;Crystal blue
hair color;;most of my hair is black, but my bangs are purple and pink along with apart of my side bangs.
Hair style;; my hair is somewhat long but then again not. The back is like short/medium. My bangs are somewhat long side swept and covers up my left eye. One side of my hair is longer than the other, and that side is purple and pink like my bangs. The other side is short/medium like the rest of my hair. My hair often gets small waves in it and sticks out everywhere, my bangs are normally completely straight. My cat ears pop out and they're black with pink tips on them.

Piercings;; My kitty ears are pierced twice on both sides with silver rings in. My nose has a stud in it on the right side. My hips are pierced!! So is my belly button five times to make a star.
tattoos/scars;; a small heart tattooed next to my left hip piercing, and a small scar that looks like an X on my right hand between my thumb and pointer finger.
Clothing;; Normally I just wear a big dress shirt that is black with pink buttons on it. I have a collar on 24/7 with a bell on it that rings every time I move. I wear underwear, like you know girls underwear, normally black and yes I'm a guy that wears them. I have gloves on that are slightly big on me, they have a cute X on them stitched in with pink and purple thread. I normally have on that thing that brides wear under their dresses on their legs. Yeah I forget what its called but my master finds it kinky so I like it. Sometimes I have a pink ribbon tied to my black tail, but thats only when I'm not feeling lazy.
Skin;; I have very pale skin, but tan a little bit but not by much. I'm pale because I stay indoors most of the time.
will be continued later