Werewolf/ human or vampire
"My blood runs hot threw my veins,
like I'm always on fire.
Growls grow in my throat
every time I see the person I hate.
My eyes are wild
and just wanting to let the beast out inside me.
Yelling loud, soon turning into a howl
as my skin melts away and fur is shown,
my human side is gone and the beast is shown.
Run for your lives, for I am a monster in your eyes."
It was July 20, 2009 and the sun was now just beginning to rise to like up New York City. Fussing around in a bed in a apartment that wasn't that bad was a man around the age of twenty two; refusing to wake up from his dream. Soon his red eye shot open and darted around as sweat ran down his face; sighing in relief that there was no one there. Throwing the covers off of his body and slowly standing. He stood at 6''2, a slim well built body; you could see almost every muscle when he flexed. Running his right hand threw his long red hair as he fixed his boxers and walked over to his closet. His perfect eyebrow raising when he saw that he had done laundry for once and had clean clothes for the day. He thought it was weird that he couldn't remember what he did yesterday, like it was just a big blur. Frustrated with trying to remember he just grabbed some clothes from the closet and made sure their what he wanted to wear today. He was a very picky man for his age. But who was he? His name is Issac Star Jones and he is one of New York City's famous photographers.
"Damn those sirens, they kept me up threw half the night" he said with a growl as he snatched up a towel and walked to his bathroom. Quickly he took a shower just so he didn't have sweat on him and that he would smell nice for the shot he has to go do. Stepping out of the shower dripping wet; grabbing his towel he dried himself off while staring at his eyes in the shower. Issac tells everyone that he wears contacts to make them look red, but really thats his real eye color. How strange, how can a man have red eyes unless he had some type of disease. Quickly he put on a pair of black skinny jean pants, a black dress shirt that he left half button up. Blow drying and straightening his hair; looking in the mirror, messing with things that he thought were imperfect before deciding that he looked good. Shutting off the light he left the bathroom to go put his shoes on.
Issac ate a big breakfast like always, he eats more than the normal human should eat in the morning, but he was different from everyone else. After he finished eating he grabbed a helmet and motorcycle keys and walked out of his apartment with the things he needed. "Today seems like a nice day" a smirk laid on his face as he walked down to the parking lot were was a shiny blue Yamaha street bike that he bought not more than a month ago. Strapping whatever needed to be strap to his bike down; putting his helmet on and the keys in the ignition. When hearing the bikes roar all that was on his face was a smirk that was hidden by the black helmet he wore. Taking off out of the apartment parking lot and down the street, he couldn't help but like how the wind felt against his burning hot skin.
Arriving at his work, he parked his bike in his spot and got his stuff; walking into the building now. People greeted him and he just rolled his eyes not caring for them, they weren't his friends. "Issac how are you doing today" a younger male walked up to him and shook Issac's hand. "Wow your burning up dude, are you alright?" asked the male and Issac just stared down at him. "I am fine, now lets get this shoot done" the words came out so cold, not caring if he hurt the other males feelings. See he wasn't much of a people person, he despises humans but would protect them from the enemy. He's not jut a famous photographer but he is also a leader off something greater, something wild. He and the people he cares about walks this earth as the hot bloods and they hate the cold bloods. As Issac waited for the male model he would be photographing today, he couldn't help but think of the one thing he is. Werewolf.
[this is Yaoi]
[PM me to continue! <3]
[Be either the model that he's gonna be shooting or the leader of the vampires]
[DO NOT take any of this post for yourself please, all of this is from my head]
[I would not like to see the same type of role play because this is part of my story I'm working on]
[PM me to continue! <3]
[Be either the model that he's gonna be shooting or the leader of the vampires]
[DO NOT take any of this post for yourself please, all of this is from my head]
[I would not like to see the same type of role play because this is part of my story I'm working on]