Pain wasn't an issue, Fuyumi had been very sure of it, may she be conscious or not. To her death didn't seem scary, so Fuyumi would always lie and say that she wasn't afraid of it at all. But deep down inside she was extremely afraid of death, and right now… she was unconsciously aware of how close she was to it.
To her everything was just dark and empty, like nothing was ever to happen or begin. Everything just started scaring her. All she could see was darkness as it consumed her body and mind; she shivered at the cold rigid air that blew in on through the darkness. Fuyumi's mind was focused on the pain she barely felt, Fuyumi was aware of the pain coursing through her chest.
Her heart rate increased as she looked around the dark room. There wasn't anything familiar about it. Fuyumi listened intently to the dark and empty surrounding, when the silence finally decided that the room should contain some noise. An eerie screeching like noise filled the empty darkness. This spooked Fuyumi in a short term among other things, she rarely saw horror movies and when she did it was then did she point out who was going to die next and who was going to live. In this case, the dark and empty space hollered out to her telling her that she was no doubtingly going to be next. The Screeching got a little louder as Fuyumi moved towards it in the dark. It wasn't a normal screeching type of noise, but an animalistic screeching that tore out at the room.
"…She needs the bloody help! ..."
That had been Katie's voice, Fuyumi was aware of how strong it was. Almost as if Katie was standing right there next to her. She could than hear Jonah's face following after what Katie had shouted. Telling whoever they were talking to that someone needed help.
"Who needs help?!" Fuyumi screamed into the darkness wandering about whatever was giving the animal screeches and wherever the voices were coming from.
"… Relax, she'll be fine. I promise"
"You damn well better promise! …"
Fuyumi twirled about to look for the owner of the third voice was. She saw nothing, but the empty darkness that still continued to surround her. "WHO THE ******** NEEDS HELP!" Fuyumi screamed out. "WHO THE ******** NEEDS IT?!" Fuyumi once again got no response to her question.
"… Why is she convulsing? s**t! We need to sedate her!"
Fuyumi looked about panicking as fear began to grip its icy claws around her. She was scared shitless unsure of what to do. There was nobody here to help her or answer her questions… All she could see was dark empty space and hear the constant Animalistic screeching.
Katie felt a little squeamish towards the needle that Paul Ploy had placed into Fuyumi's arm. She was hooked up to an IV to continue feeding her liquids as they tried to deal with the Convulsing that Fuyumi was doing. May she be consciously aware of it or not. Jonah sat across the way, his face held a constant blank stare about it causing Katie to wonder what the hell Jonah was actually thinking about as Ploy placed another needle into Fuyumi's arm. He was careful on injecting the yellowish fluid into the duel's bloodstream. Ploy had told the two teens that it was the sedation that she needed in order to clam her system down and temporarily numb her system slowly before he actually numbed her and gave her gas in order to keep her from waking up as he cut her open. A process in which could be proven fatal if he were to miss the gas and she woke up during the operation.
"So… You are sure she'll be alright?" Katie said getting up and looking over at the quick scans that they had taken earlier from Fuyumi.
"I'm positive Ms. Kat, She'll be alright. We just need to cut out that tumor that placed itself between her heart and right lung." Ploy said going over the scans with Katie again. He sighed and took a mask and placed it on Fuyumi's face, attaching the plastic straps to each other and around her head. He felt a little nervous about this, but he had good medical experience and had done many surgeries before he came across Fuyumi. But whatever the large tumor was that placed itself between the two important organs, had to be removed as soon as possible or Fuyumi might end up dying without the help of a doctor. What spooked him a little was that in his line of work he had never felt another heart beat inside a human being unless the person was about to have a little one, but this heartbeat came from the tumor that had lodged itself near the heart and lung, because tumors don't have a heart…
Fuyumi wanted to scream out to the voices that she was hearing, telling them and asking them what was going on and why didn't bother to help her. But no response came from her that or from her throat, she felt that her body was limp and unresponsive to her mind. The only control she had was in her legs and barely in her arms. For some reason, her voice could not escape from her throat and out into the dark and cold air that surrounded her.
Her chest gave off a small barely noticeable pain about her. But she ignored it and kept she calmed by singing a small lullaby, this was a sad attempt to calm her down and keep her from panicking and possibly running into something that she did not want to find. She was utterly alone and all she could hear at any given moment was the voices that were going on and about asking about a certain someone and if they were going to be okay. On occasion she swore that she started smelling the familiar metallic scent of blood and an on and off sound of flesh being cut. She felt like she wanted to gag, but swallowed her bile that stuck itself to her throat.
She whirled around upon hearing the animalistic screeching again, this time it was closer to her. Her natural instinct told her to run away from the noise, but something else told her to stay close to it. Like a child to its mother, something about it made her feel somewhat relaxed and safe. But her opinion changed on it when she thought she saw something slip in and around in the darkness, giving off a simple glint of a darkened hood.
Katie had begun to feel REALLY squeamish, the scent of the blood and the sound of flesh being sliced open wasn't a world class act for anyone to be near, namely upon a thirteen year olds case. But she couldn't be drawn away from the sight of the small traces of blood that was slowly pooling around the fabric that covered Fuyumi's bare chest. Katie shook her head and snapped back into reality and shifted her gaze away from the crimson blood that now had finally decided that it would let the fabric soak it up. She only chose to snap back and away from looking at the thick and sticky blood because Jonah was giving Fuyumi's body a weird look and Katie's natural reaction was to slap Jonah for doing that. But she knew that they would start yelling at each other and like any other guy. He would start denying that he kept giving Fuyumi a weird look.
"Careful… Careful…" Ploy muttered cutting a little deeper this time into the Duel's chest. He was very careful on not cutting her vital organs, but he knew that even if he managed to dodge the two he could still cause some kind of damage to the body, regardless of his training in the medical field. Ploy flinched when he saw the supposed tumor give off a twitch, like it had a mind of its own. Upon natural reaction he poked it lightly and it once again gave off a twitch.
"Something wrong Paul?" Jonah asked noticing the flinches and the second looks towards the body and the inside of the cut that was given to Fuyumi's body.
"I-I really don't know what to tell you guys at this point…" Ploy said nervously.
Katie took that remark into thought. "Guys, I don't think that's even a tumor at all" Katie said continuing to study the scans.
"What do you mean Ms. Kat" Ploy said giving her a questioning look before he went back to tending to the open cut that he had given to Fuyumi.
Katie just shook her head and said nothing in turn. Ploy had already figured it out from cutting open her friend and of course she blamed Jonah because he was just there. "I mean you noticed that right?"
"Yeah I noticed and I'm really starting to agree with you Ms. Kat" Ploy said looking at the moving lump that was snuggled tightly in-between the organs. He spread the top tissues apart lightly and carefully. With a clam reassurance and the talking between the two teens that were currently in the room, after all it was after hours and Jonah was a personal friend of Ploy's.
"I think I'm going to puke" Katie said dropping the scans and holding her mouth closed. The smell of open tissue wasn't that a great scent, but if it was to figure out what was in Fuyumi's system… then it was worth listening to tissue being cut and the stench of open tissue and blood.
Ploy took another look at the moving tumor and jolted backwards holding where his heart should be located. Small traces of blood splattered about, but not enough to cause any torn tissues that would have eventually killed Fuyumi had her friends not taken her to the hospital to check up on what was wrong with her.
Jonah bolted himself up off the chair and threw himself in front of Katie, upon a natural reaction they all started at what appeared to be a giant almost fist-sized worm poking out from the open cut in Fuyumi's chest. The sight of it had really caused Katie to lose her stomach contents, but she barely managed to hold it in. It had slivery inch sized teeth that reflected the artificial light, it had no eyes but everything about it had a machine-like appeal to it. The only color that it had about it was a fleshy pink color and chucks of blood dripping down all around it. Katie was shocked at the sight of it, everything about it was completely inhuman and not of this very planet. No matter how much Katie wanted to say it out loud, it was an ugly son of a b***h that just forced its way out of Fuyumi's body.
The slimy worm like creature looked about at its surroundings and caught sight of the three people staring at it like it was another world wonder. It cocked its head to the side and let out a small, but loud screech out into the room; Jonah flinched at the sound of it but continued to watch it as it seemingly watched him back. The creature just looked at him and then rounded its head back towards the unconscious Fuyumi that was just breathing calmly; it tilted its head to the other side and watched the rhythmic breathing. The creature gave another screech and rushed off towards the open door, Jonah attempted stop the creature in its path but missed and slipped in the trail of blood that the creature had left.
"What… the ******** was that?!" Katie exclaimed falling to her knees after it had fled. She was completely awestruck at the sight of it, but was completely scared shitless knowing that it had come out of her friend's body, mainly her chest. A way that NO human baby would have come out of and that thing had been nowhere NEAR human period.
"I don't know…" Jonah said with a grunt as he got up. "I really don't know…"
Fuyumi looked about, listening intently to whatever was lurking about in the dark room. She heard nothing, but she was aware of the panicking voices outside of the dark and empty room. Fuyumi shivered at the thought of what was going on. Fuyumi desperately wanted to speak out, but her vocals refused to give in and let darkness hear her out.
The screeching took another step out into the open, and quickly disappeared just as quickly as it had come. Fuyumi was scared beyond reasoning and wandered about shuffling her feet around on the dark cold and empty floor of the room. 's**t WHAT THE ******** IS GOING ON! WHAT THE ******** IS OUT THERE?!' she screamed inside of her head. She whipped around when she heard faint hissing in place of the loud screeching that was there in the room.
Fuyumi fell down on her a** and stared up at a scorpion-like creature that stood in front of her. She wanted to scream out loud for both out of fear and for help. But her voice still refused to come and the scream was nowhere to be found…
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This is a Journal that mainly focuses on Stories that I usually write from time to Don't read it if it's something that you don't like....but I would like some Feedback on it when I post up my Story Chapters.
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