It had been two days since Katie and Fuyumi had gone to the mall. Both had decided to relax a little over at Katie's house and they had enjoyed that day, considering that they mostly drew pictures and did collaborations. Now today they were running around in the snow throwing snowballs at each other giggling as they went and shouting about how one of them was going to destroy all of man kind with this tiny snowball of pure doom.
"I AM GOING TO RULE THE WORLD WITH THIS… SNOWBALL!" Fuyumi screamed loudly. Once again this brought attention to them, but Katie once again thought that her remarks were completely humorous.
Katie just shook her head and launched another snowball at Fuyumi which hit her in the face. Fuyumi had gasped upon the impact and humorously shouted "NO! MY PLANS HAVE BEEN RUINED!" she playfully fell down to the ground giving off a funny expression. "YOU killed me!" she exclaimed making a fake gagging noise. Playing in the snow was just too humorous between the two, but eventually the two would have to go inside before they froze their asses off and had to wait until spring to thaw out.
"Come on, let's go get some Coco" Katie said holding her hand out to Fuyumi.
Fuyumi smiled and took her hand. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind having some coco to warm me up from the death that your snowball caused me" she stated proudly hands on hips and head up.
Katie laughed. "Whatever you say you evil dastardly villain."
Fuyumi smiled to herself and followed Katie into the Starbucks that sat across the road from where they were at. She flinched when a small pain shot through her chest, it was small and meaningless. Fuyumi shrugged it off and considered that she just needed some more fluids in her system since that was what her chest pains usually meant. But the pain felt a little off considering it was winter and it was only this worse whenever there was warmer weather; she once again shrugged it off. She never really needed to question what her body did or thought.
It squirmed about inside its host. It had waited too long to burst out and into its new surroundings and now it felt compact amongst the soft tissue that belonged to its host's organs. It could feel the heart beat soothingly and gently in rhythmic syncope, for some reason the feeling of the hear moving about soothed its mind and empty soul, a part of it regretted wanting to kill it's host. Because everything about this host was soothing, calming and somewhat relaxing… it didn't want to ever leave this host and explore its outer world. It was just way too gentle almost like… a small furry animal staying close to its mother.
It heaved a breath and shifted a little. It could tell that its host felt it, but it didn't want to harm its host like it originally intended to. It could sense that its host was a gentle soul and almost being able to read its mind… could tell that it wanted nothing to do with what most of it had learned in life. It just wanted to travel and explore new things just like it wanted to explore the area outside of the host. A part of it screamed to break out and kill constantly, but another part… that felt completely… Human told it not to and wait. But it couldn't wait because eventually it would kill its host from getting so big.
"Cut. Me. Out." It breathed silently to its host. Waiting in hopes that its host would hear what it was saying. "Cut me out"…
"Hey Katie, did you ever get to see that one horror movie they released last summer? You know the one about the masked killer? And I mean the one that had to do with a haunted Camp ground or something." Fuyumi asked sipping on some actual coffee and not coco like Katie was drinking.
"No, I don't think I ever got to see that one. Why? Did you get to see it?" Katie returned the question. She raised a brow and watched Fuyumi's reaction which had become a steadfast pout.
"Damn it. That sucks" Fuyumi said now no longer pouting but frowning at the response that Katie had given. "I really wanted to know what that movie was about. Oh well, I guess I can just check it out from the library when I get home"
Katie just smiled at Fuyumi, her attention slowly drifted to a brunette haired boy that she had partly noticed when they were at the mall and when they waited for the bus yesterday. She shivered slightly at the sight of him and found him somewhat stalkerish considering that she saw him a couple of times and for the very fact that he kept glancing at Fuyumi in a weird tone.
"Katie?" Fuyumi asked.
Katie snapped back into reality and just smiled at her friend. "Yes?"
"Is something wrong?" Fuyumi asked raising a brow.
"No, there's nothing wrong" Katie stated waving her arms in front of her in a hurried manner.
Fuyumi sighed at Katie and shook her head. Fuyumi's body winced a little from the pain that shot up through her chest again, but ignored it thinking that it was nothing all too serious, just as long as she didn't start emptying the contents of her stomach all over the floor. Fuyumi knew that Katie was lying and the tone in her voice had told Fuyumi otherwise. "Don't lie Katie, something is up and I want to know what it is" Fuyumi plainly stated.
Katie twitched a little and shifted her gaze back to the brunette who was now coming close to their table. "Whatever would make you say I'm lying?" Katie asked trying to cover up her own nervousness as the boy was only a step away from their table.
"Excuse me? Uhm…" He started.
Fuyumi looked somewhat surprised and quickly turned around to face the brunette that had spoken out to them.
"You wouldn't mind if I sat here with you lovely ladies right?" He asked, sounding somewhat nervous.
Fuyumi smiled kindly and shook her head. "I don't mind"
Katie sighed under her breath. "But I do..." she murmured to herself. A part of her felt that Fuyumi should not have allowed this stranger to sit at there table. But another told her it was wonderful meeting new people and that she should make the best of it, even if they seemed a little stalkerish.
Fuyumi tried placing a finger on who this guy was, she felt that she had met him before but she wasn't quite sure, when her mind did point her finger on who it was she gave off a surprised and gleeful look towards him. "I know you, you're the guy at the counter who gave me my room key! Uhm… wasn't your name Jonas or something?" Fuyumi felt somewhat bad about her calling him something that probably wasn't his real name, but she remembered that it was along the lines of JONA…
"My name is Jonah Winnston, and yeah. I'm surprised you remembered" Jonah said smiling at Fuyumi. Katie tapped her foot nervously against the ground, it upsetted her a little seeing the two talk freely. But it was kind of sweet that they knew each other from somewhere.
"Well, I know your name. So I think it's only fair to share my name" Fuyumi said smiling happily at him. She felt her heart pick up a little, but she punched herself on the inside telling her to stop and that romance was never her type of thing. So falling for him shouldn't be a wise or fair deal. "I'm Fuyumi and this is Katie Kat. Nice to meet you Jonah" she grinned.
Jonah nodded at Fuyumi's response. "Is Fuyumi your real name? Or is it like a name you call yourself?" He asked taking interest in the girl he only just met and was starting to get to know better.
Fuyumi smiled at him. "No, it's not my real name. To be honest it's actually a nickname that I took up for myself because I'm someone who doesn't really like being called by my first or last name. Sure it annoys people, but I only let people know my real name once they know me better" she said sipping on her coffee.
Katie sighed, feeling somewhat ignored between the two. "Hey Fuyumi, I think it's about time that we started to head home." Katie said interrupting the two from their light conversation. It wasn't because she disliked him and that she wanted to get as far away from him. But it was because she felt that there was something odd about him, like the air around him was slightly poisoned with taint of committing something awful and for the very fact that to her, he was nothing more than just a stranger that they just met off of the street.
"Really? Is it really that late? Damn. That ******** sucks" Fuyumi stated pouting lightly.
Jonah couldn't help but smirk at Fuyumi's reaction to her friend's remark. Considering that it looked almost just too damn cute. "Okay- Hey… Fuyumi, where'd you get those lacerations?" Jonah asked noticing the markings that held a wire-like look to them on Fuyumi's neck. He remembered thinking that he saw them before, but he had not been all too sure about it.
"Markings?" Katie asked looking over at Fuyumi's neck. Noticing the wire-like lacerations wrapped around her neck."Yeah… where did you get those?" Something seemed really off about it.
"I really don't know, but it's nothing serious. I probably slept weirdly. Considering that for some reason I always have that nasty habit whenever I sleep" Fuyumi said shrugging. "Why? It shouldn't really be bothering you guys that much. Though I am surprised that they are still there after three days…" She stated starting to rub them slightly.
"I just sort of find it weird that you would consider it as something not to worry about." Katie said slightly wincing as Fuyumi rubbed the marks. To her they looked somewhat painful but Fuyumi made no indication that they hurt in anyway.
"Meh." Fuyumi said lazily "I'm not very worried on anything, besides don't you agree that-" Fuyumi stopped midway through her sentence. Her chest started hurting again, she grabbed her coffee and took a quick sip from it and pounded lightly on her chest. She was aware of the weird looks that Jonah and Katie gave, but she ignored them and took another sip. For a moment she felt that the pain disappeared again like it normally did whenever she drank something. But once again the pain came back, this time a little more unbearable. In a reasonable sense, she tried ignoring it but it came back a little stronger and she felt like she wanted to puke again like she did when she got home from Spain. But her body rejected that thought and continued to shove off pain onto her chest.
"Fuyumi? Are you alright?" Katie asked having her turn to ask Fuyumi if she was indeed al right.
Fuyumi just shook her head yes. It was starting to get somewhat worse. She seethed in slight pain. It was an unbearable pain, but for some reason it felt completely different from the pain that she had previously received back in July.
"Cut. Me. Out" A voiced whispered in Fuyumi's head. Her eyes widened slightly at the inner voice. 'What?' she questioned herself "Cut me out" it repeated in a more smoothing tone then before. Her chest pain increased slightly making her chest hurt even more. The thought rang out through her mind one more time before passed out, falling out of her chair and onto the floor, with Katie and Jonah telling someone to call the Hospital for help.
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This is a Journal that mainly focuses on Stories that I usually write from time to Don't read it if it's something that you don't like....but I would like some Feedback on it when I post up my Story Chapters.
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