Voice Ex
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Alternative Outfits
Halloween Costume(s):
Name: Choumo Jyn
Nicknames: Chou, Nimuchul, Makara
D.O.B.: December 22 (Capricorn/Makara/Saturn)
Age: 17
Gender: ♀
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Alaskan/Eskimo, Japanese, French
Species: Smoochum
Type: Normal
Personal belongings:
Pet Meowth : Chou decided that when ever she was alone it was rather, well... lonely, & decided to adopt a Meowth to keep her company when at home. She calls him Mao-kun.
Soothe Bell : Passed on from her mother after she disappeared, she holds it very dear & wouldn't hesitate to harm anyone who took it from her & will more than likely cry if she can't get it back.
__________MP3 Player : Her MP3 is in the shape of a small pink heart addorned with pink gems. Chou takes it with her almost everyday, if you listen to it you, you will find this type of music on it. When at home she tends to hook it up to her favorite music teddybear.
Likes: winter, snow, sweet scented candles, singing, star sand, the stars, the moon, romance (novels/movies/animes/mangas), bells, solitude, jokes, comedic people, cartoons, a balanced diet, confetti, cats, rabbits, dogs, polar bears, penguins, sealions, HM series, DDR, Karaoke series, Classical, Ambient, House, Dance, Techno & Pop music
Dislikes: Summer
Fears: Polution, Starvation, Global Warming
Religion: Evolutionist
Smoke/Drink: No/No
Family: A brother, mother, sister & father
Occupation: Hair Dresser Assistant
Eyes: Magenta
Hair: Dirty blonde
Height: 152.4cm | 5'0"
Weight: 45.36kg | 100lbs
Pyshique: Child-like
Blood Type: B Positive
Other: Though Chou looks much like a child she acts very cold & mature most of the time, but those who truly know her see her childish behaviors & blonde moments.
Physical Traits: Almond eyes, heart shaped pouty lips, chopped short dirty blonde hair, & magenta eyes (she wears contacts sometimes that make her pupils in the shape of a heart & colored a lighter pink)
Color: brown, silver, pink, white
Food: Strawberry Cake, Strawberries
Desert: Most anything sweet
Hobby: singing, gardening, strolling
Weather: snow/blizzard
Little Known/Fun Fact(s):
Battle Statictics
_____________PokeDex No.: 238
_____________Name: Smoochum
_____________Level: 26
_____________Exp. Points: --
_____________To the Next Level: 30
_____________Item: Soothe Bell
_____________HP: 83/83
_____________Attack: 36
_____________Defense: 29
_____________Sp. Attack: 73
_____________Sp. Defense: 63
_____________Speed: 55
_____________Ability: Oblivious
_____________Move 01: Sweet Kiss
_____________Move 02: Confusion
_____________Move 03: Sing
_____________Move 04: Fake Tears
practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, humorous, reserved, pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly, grudging
Romantic Interests
All the way from Alaska... Chou was born from a father with japanese & french blood, her mother was alaskan, & both fell in love quite instantly. It was like a fairytale others said, & it truly was. It seemed like nothing could possibly go wrong as they bore a baby boy, then next a baby girl & named her Choumo. It didn't take long until another was added to the family, bringing a daughter to them, but after Chou's mother & father were devastated to hear the horrible news upon the last child's birth. They couldn't bear anymore children. Even if they couldn't bear anymore, they stuck together & raised Choumo, Troyue & Seppun as lovingly as they could, but the fact that Tungulria knew she couldn't give any more life depressed her & slowed her down. While Phominto was out training his only son, Tungulria was left at home to teach her daughters how to be a good house wife. But as time went by, Chou was slowly left to take charge while her motehr became too depressed to do much of anything but sit by the fire, staring into it as if it would provide her some sort of answers. The once thought fairytaled family fell apart...
It was sudden, & no one thought she would just up & leave, but Tungulria seemingly disappeared of the face of the Alaskan land. The only left of her was a Soothe Bell. Many said she came to the shop owner & bought it about a week before, but it seemed not even the Soothe Bell could grant her any happiness again. Whatever happened to the Jynx, the Alaskan mourned over her disappearance but moved on in remembrance of the beautiful Alaskan. But Phominto couldn't handle her disappearnce & left to find her, leaving Chou, Tro & Seppun in the hands of the village elder. Life seemed a bit more content after that, but Pho was never seen again. A few years passed & Chou decided to leave the comfort of her foster home to try & prolong her dream, taking the Soothe Bell her mother left behind with her.
Now... Though struggling, Choumo lives in an apartment in the center of a city & works as a full time assistant to a Hair Dresser. She spends so much time there she doesn't give much time for anything else, but in her spare time she goes to karaoke bars & at work often times sings or hums to herself hoping she'll be noticed one day by the right person.