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Alternative Outfits
Name: Libess Yei
D.O.B.: Feb. 3rd
Age: 23
Gender: ♀
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Blissey
Type: Normal
Warm, cozy weather
Sweet berries (Ex: Pecha)
Dressing up
Sleazy & perverted men
Sour berries
Religion: Evolutionist
Smoke/Drink: No/In company
Family: She lost track of her birth mother some time after she was placed in a foster home, but she still keeps in contact with her foster parents every now & again.
Occupation: Unoccupied right now
Eyes: Bright blue, dull coal black when she's gloomy
Hair: Hot pink/Cherry Blossom pink
Height: 160cm | 5'3"
Weight: 56.7kg | 125lbs
Pyshique: Slim;Bottle-like
Physical Traits: Cup size: DD, unfortunately on her part.
Color: Pastel colors
Desert: Most anything sweet
Weather: Sunny, rainy days make her gloomy
Little Known/Fun Fact(s):
- She constantly carries an egg around, no one knows for sure if it's real or not, but it doesn't ever seem to move. Libess is also very protective of it.
- Libess' ability is known as Natural Cure.
Battle Statictics
_____________PokeDex No.: 242
_____________Name: Blissey
_____________Level: 1
_____________Exp. Points: --
_____________To the Next Level: --
_____________Item: Destiny Knot
_____________HP: --/--
_____________Attack: --
_____________Defense: --
_____________Sp. Attack: --
_____________Sp. Defense: --
_____________Speed: --
_____________Ability: --
_____________Move 01: Double Slap
_____________Move 02: Refresh
_____________Move 03: Soft Boiled
_____________Move 04: Healing Wish
Libess is & always has been Gentle, it was a perfect trait for being a Nurse, but she was so gentle that it was a fault. There were only a few exceptions to her gentle nature, for instance, if she was intimated she would retaliate to escape. In a way, she's more a maiden in distress, no thanks to her only offensive attack being Double Slap. Libess is also veryFinicky, it's quite difficult to fully please her in the slightest. This is mostly due to having people overly infatuate themselves over her before & constantly send gifts. It's not recommended to give her gifts right off, if anything a good conversation goes a long ways. When it comes to tolerance she has a Quick Temper, this is also due to her passed jobs where she became fed up with dealing with mongrel men & slutty women. She has very low tolerance for anyone who can't keep their hands to themself, & their eyes on her face. Another thing that rubs her the wrong way is when someone is being bullied. Being Kind & Compassionate she feels obligated to stop anything of the sort even if she gets harmed in the process.
As she grew up she had learned to be Responsible, more or less caring more for herself now a days. That doesn't mean she wont lend a helping hand when it's needed. Even so she's always Light Hearted, not much ever gets her down, & anything that does is quickly forgotten.
There are days she'll seem cold, but those days are mainly on rainy days, the gloomier days persay. It can't really be explained, but the weather seems to affect her attitude. As long as the weather is fine, you wont catch her without a grin.
It's simple to befriend her as long as your keeping eye contact. She's quite self concious & the moment your eyes drift downward, she'll tell you off. But don't fret, she'll let it go within a few seconds as long as you don't keep doing it. If you persist on it, be prepared to have an enemy.
Romantic Interests
It's only after you befriend her that she even bothers questioning her feelings. Though there may be times when someone may give her flutters almost instantly, she just pushes it away to avoid heart ache that could be avoided.
Growing up... was hard. When you grow prematurely & want friends & get nothing but the opposite, along with having a mother who's legally retarded & thinks that their treating her that way just because she's pretty. Libess was fully aware of what was going on & had for the longest time taped her chest down to prevent wandering eyes from older men & taunting from other kids. Taping hadn't really helped at all, it only caused more harmful taunts, & ended up giving her slight infection. The constriction left her at the hospital to reheal once the tape had been removed, & she was taken from her mother, seen unfit to take care of her properly. She spent days wondering where she was going to now, & worried over her own mothers stability now that she was gone.
She didn't have a husband, leaving Libess a b*****d Child, more or less because of the fact her mother had an unwilling intercourse & birth. Libess was lucky to even be born with a healthy body.
It was until she was a few days away from being released that she heard word that she was going to a foster home. She had no idea what would become of herself now & quickly questioned her mothers well being & what would happen to herself. They calmly told her her mother was fine & she was going to live with a stable caring family. This infuriated her, it was amost as if they were saying her mother was trash, & being a teen she just couldn't see their way. Forcefully she was placed in a stable & caring home, & met the family to her surprise was a Chansey family line like herself. But the only thing she noticed right away was, their were two mothers, but not a father in sight. For a while, she didn't quite understand it, & even rebelled from them both because she did not want to be here. The fact she had 2 mothers now only gave more reason to pick at her.
It wasn't till her step mother, Anesch, stepped in when she found out about the taunting that Libess gave them both a chance. Life went rather smoothly after that, learning to walk away from being picked on because they were just jealous, & that love is in the eye of the beholder. It doesn't matter what gender you are.
After a few years passed she left for college to study as a Nurse, bidding both Anesch & Phiy goodbye.
2 years ago... Libess was a former Model & Nurse. Of course not at once! But within those years she went from Nurse to Model. She had studied years before to become a Nurse, to take care of people because she wanted to help make them better. But she had no idea what would happen within the first year of being an actual Nurse. She'd been busy as usual, taking over most of the other Nurses jobs just because the sleazy doctors wanted to check her out while she did it. Despite that constant annoyance she enjoyed her job, oh did I mention the fact she was constantly being groped by patients? So she was relieved when a somewhat normal patient had arrived. Her name was Maeda Hanazakari. A Cherrim that was very ill, but what it was couldn't be solved. She was just stuck in her Overcast form, & her legs had given out. The only thing that maintained her life was a medicated shot everday about 3 times a day.
That kept Libess at Hana's side quite often, & as time passed they became close friends & she spent more & more of her free time with Hana, her being her first friend since working at the Hospital. It had been about a year that Hana was at the Hospital, but her illness still hadn't been solved, nothing changed. In that time Libess & Hana had gained a bond stonger than anything, but Hana wanted something more than just friendship & let her know on the day of Libess' birthday. After that day things slowly changed, & not in a good way. Hana was slowly dying, & the Blissey was left to just sit back & watch her die. The day the Cherrim left her, she quit her job & gave up her dream of ever helping anyone as a Nurse. Her life swung around a few days later when she was handed a job interview as a Model, & passed with flying colors. She spent her remaining years as a Model, but gave it up soon after to move away. Somehow she ended up here, buying an apartment in the middle of town. Since she no longer had a job, she could only depend on the money she has now from Modeling.
Now... Libess spends her time at her new high class apartment, looking for things to do. She's often out & about doing one thing or another. It's never the same thing everyday since she doesn't like repeating herself, even if it's just an activity. She has yet to actually meet anyone. She has picked up a new job however, after recieving an offer of making a movie about a sexy spy. As much as she disliked the fact they were making her feel a bit degraded by their "compliment" she was happy to take up the job hoping it would bring more light to her life after parting ways with someone dear.