Lyra Elixyr
~ The darkness is my sanctuary. ~
Lyra had awoken several hours ago. She strolled through the park this morning on her daily patrol. The wind juggled dry leaves, causing them to dance onto the sidewalk. Lyra squashed one that just so happened to be in her line of stepping. She smiled and thought, “Symphony of crackle.”
In the corner of her eye she noticed a dark silhouette. She turned to study the person. His mysterious profile caught her eye for some reason. He wore his hood up, black jacket, dark jeans-nothing that would usually attract Lyra’s attention. She decides he’s only a troubled soul and continues walking-all the way down the trail.
Suddenly a bloodcurdling scream shatters the peaceful sounds of a new day. A small flock of birds flee a nearby oak, their wings flapping loudly in unison. Lyra came to a halt and rushed back to where she’d seen the mysterious man earlier. He was nowhere in sight. Her eyes scanned the area for the shadowy fellow. Not long after, she heard the same scream, again disturbing the peace. She ran through the small wood in the direction of the scream, dodging trees left and right. Finally she burst through the edge of the wood and now lay her eyes upon the man and a poor woman he’d trapped in a headlock with a gun to her left temple.
Lyra slowly stepped closer towards the two, nicely asking the man to put the gun down. “No,” he said, panting and nervously shifting his footing. “NO!” he shouted again, frightening the woman. She tried to pull a fast one on the man, throwing her head back and hitting him in the face. She tried to run when the man’s hold loosened.
“No!” Lyra exclaimed, trying to get him off of the woman. The man grunted and groaned in pain, pulled the woman back and snapped her neck.
“That’s it!” Lyra said, now infuriated. She stepped closer very quickly. The man scurried backwards and tripped on an exposed tree root which caused him to fall to the ground. His hood fell from his head, revealing the scar on his eye. Lyra immediately recognized him as the only target she’d ever turned her back on. “YOU! I can't BELIEVE I let you get away.”
She grabbed his jacket and lifted him up into the air. “You have no reason on this planet any longer.” Lyra dropped him and drew her katana in a split second. The man cried out in a constant yell. Soon… all was silent once more.
~ Everything I am. ~