It takes a minute to have a crush on someone
an hour to like someone
and a day to love someone...
Aiden Thorburn
A pair of cerulean eyes surrounded by black eyeliner peered up at the clock in the room that counted down the last few minutes of the school year. Biting on the end of his pencil, Aiden fidgeted around in his seat. The teenager was way too nervous to pay even a bit of mind to the end of the teacher's lecture. It was probably nothing important anyways. Thought after thought ran through his mind as the the hands of the clock moved ever so slowly to their destinations. His mind had been in chaos all day, especially after he finished delivering his letters to his old friends. He just couldn't keep himself from thinking about this whole thing.
Aiden hadn't talk to the others since the fight. He had seen most of the in the halls every now and then, but that was about it. The male wondered how much the others had changed and if they would even consider accepting his invitation. The raven haired boy shook those thoughts out of his head. He had promised himself that he would see this to the very end. No matter how bad things got. All he wanted was for them to go back to being friends. Hopefully he wasn't asking too much.
The ring of the school bell pulled him away from his thoughts. Butterflies instantly filled his stomach as he shoved his things into his messenger bag. Staring down at his black and white low-top converse, he pulled up his turquoise skinny jeans and tightened the rainbow studded belt that he always wore. He dusted off his black Kill Hannah shirt a bit before deciding to finally leave the classroom. Aiden took a deep breath as he made his way through the hallways and out the front door. The many homemade bracelets that adorned his wrist jingled while he walked down the stairs at the front of the school then over to the area where they were all supposed to meet up.
but it takes forever to forget someone