Just another day
In the life of
The cheerful Nix...
♥Luca Albrecht♥

- Torture. That was the only word to describe the trek up the hill to Monstre Academia. The teenager was ever so grateful that the music blaring through his headphones effectively distracted him from the growing pain in his legs. A decent-sized rolling suitcase trailed behind the student for a tad longer before halting to a stop. 'Finally' With a soft sigh Luca readjusted the falling messenger bag strap on his shoulder. A rush of excitement found it's way through his body. Yet another year at the prestigious Monstre Academia. Who knows what's in store for the boy this time around? The thought of seeing new and familiar faces cause him to become a tad giddy. Tightening his grip on his violin case, Luca finally headed through the main doors of the school.
Gazing around the lobby he caught sight of a few people approaching the main desk then heading off to their respective dorms. Luca was glad that he had not arrived too early. Last time he somehow found a way to be there much earlier than need be. He blamed it on time differences. Finding himself at the main desk, he quickly shut off his music and lowered his headphones to rest around his neck. "Good morning" He greeted before he was handed his necessary items. 'Room 1C' Awesome, he was able to score a dorm on the first floor this year. Remembering the layout of the building made it quite easy for him to make his way down a nearby hall and to his room. 'Oh' To his slight surprise the door was already open. Well, who did he have the joy of being roommates with this year?
Entering the room, he was met with that of a familiar figure. Luca was sure he recognized the face. After all they did end up having a few classes together last year. "Hey, Iden." Was his greeting as he walked over to the available bed. He was happy with the turnout. The male was sure they wouldn't have any problems sharing a room. Hopefully. Once he set his things upon one side of his bed, Luca began emptying some of the contents of his suitcase to the empty side. "How was your summer?" He offered up as conversation to prevent any silence from setting in. The Nix was not the type that found comfort in quietness.
Current Position: Dorm 1C
Who's There: Iden
Mood: Excited
Who's There: Iden
Mood: Excited