Tertius Factum
Scott had, by this time, left Jekyll for the surface world. He felt sick, the thought of ineviatble lonliness sinking in. But Scott could not face death; the thought was terrifying to him. The life he had struggled to build, the work he had put into it, all to waste? No, of course not. But killing Alison might as well have been chosing slow death over a quick one. But what kind of way to die was choking? Even though he was justifying the thing he was about to do, Scott slowed down on the way to Allison's home. Allison still had to live with her mother, because Irene Adler had brain cancer and only had months left to live. Scott couldn't imagine someone like Allison watching her family shrink with nothing she could do. A bitter taste formed in Scott's mouth when he realised he had only helped.
He had finally reached the front step of Allison's home, which was dimly lit. Allison was a night owl, so his knock would be answered just as quickly as one at 3 in the afternoon instead of three in the morning. He didn't even know how he was going to do it, just that he had to. The only two people left in the Adler family was Allison and her mother. Scott raised his shaking fist to the door, deciding that if he had to kill her, he'd enjoy his last half hour with her. He brought his fist down when...
The door flung open faster than Scott could react, and there to his suprise stood Allison. She was wearing a black dress, no doubt mourning Ariana's death. Scott was disgusted by the relief he felt when he knew her death could not be blamed on anyone, specifically him. Allison raised a brow, but Scott didn't know what to say. So she spoke instead. "Is everything all right? If you want to mourn with us, you're welcome. I know she was your friend...", she said quietly, which was unlike her. Scott nodded and stepped inside. The wall clock read 3:15, which meant he had fifteen minutes to confess his feelings and talk to Allison Adler for the last time in his life.
Scott's face must have betrayed his discomfort in the situation, because Allison noticed and turned to ascend up the stairs to her mother's room. Scott put his hand on her arm before she went. "Look, I've got something I need to talk to you about, Allison.", he said quickly before he could stop himself. He stared at Allison, unsure of what to say. Then he had an idea. He already knew how he felt, but what about Allison? He could make this easier for her, and himself. He could make her wish for the death. Scott quickly calculated his time and what needed to be said.
"I've got Huntington's disease. I've only got a few weeks before they take me to an institution.", Scott said quickly, coining the disease from Jekyll. Jekyll had told Scott it was a neurodegentive disorder that would slowly shut his system down. First he would go insane, then his body functions would stop working. That is why he wanted the amulet. Jekyll was already showing signs of neurodegeneration. He suffered from hallucinations, random bouts of anger and laughter, along with dillusions. Jekyll was still incredibly genius however, which is how he conned Scott into killing all the people that needed to be killed.
For someone that had Huntington's Jekyll was constantly shaking as if he was cold. He could barely control his hands and feet, and at times, needed to be in a wheelchair. And for someone acting the part, Scott looked convincingly crazy. He was damp with sewage water from falling in the sewers, though he had sprayed a third application of deoderant, his eyes were bloodshot and baggy. He was shaking from being wet and fearful, looking ready to break down at any moment. Allison had her own encounters with Huntington's, she working at an institution. Scott was almost worried the lie wouldn't work, but Allison seemed to step back from the moment.
"How long have you got left?", she asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, which made Scott jump. Now was the perfect time to do it. Now he just had to convince Allison to kill herself. He reached into his coat and pulled out a gun, being careful to be extra shaky. Allison noticed right away. She didn't even change expressions, probably because she often dealt with this behavoir. Scott glanced at the clock. 3:31. Why wasn't he choking...? Scott stopped for a moment. Who else besides Allison was a solid part of the Adler family?
Irene Adler. Scott dashed past Allison, racing up the stairs, taking them three at a time. And there lay Irene Adler, her eyes fixed and her heart monitor flatlining. Scott put the gun in his pocket, and hardly noticed a small cling as something hit the floor. His hands reached for the amulet, only to find it gone. Instinctively, Scott looked down. The bloody ruby amulet lay at his feet. Scott bent over and picked it up, a grin splitting his features. When he turned back to Allison, who looked angered at his grin, he handed her the amulet, formulating yet another plan.
"This is for you. I've got to go, I doubt I'll see you again, and I need you to never take that off or give it away, you understand? This is really important.", Scott said urgently, clasping the amulet around Allison's neck before she could protest. She was the final apple in the Adler family tree. She was the sole heir to the amulet's powers.
No sooner than the amuler was clasped, Allison fell backwards on the floor with a thud. Scott was hardly interested in this, however. The unmistakable hacking cackle that belonged to Jekyll filled the air, making it crisp and hopeless. Only now did Scott consider the impact his little plan would have on him.
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He likes to eat small children.