Primus Factum
The night was bitterly cold and storms became almost comical compared to the harsh, beating hale that smashed onto the streets from the heavens above. Anyone that looked out on Eight, the town below, would have pitied it's residents. Most of them, anyway. Most of Eight's residents were inside watching the news for any sign of something worse than the current shower of car-sized debris was going to whack at their roofs that night. And surely enough -- though no one could have predicted it -- the worst was yet to come.
Going back four to five hours, an ignortant young man sits in a hospital room, watching the sky shade itself into a more sleepy orange by every passing second. The room was depressing, as are most hospital rooms, but this one even more so. Around the room bore no sign of any relative, no pictures, no flowers, no gifts. Not even a tray from previous meals had been left behind. All that sat on the table beside Airana was a fresh bedpan and a glass of water, which had gone untouched. The only sound in the room was that of her laboured breathing, growing heavier as the twilight outside proceeded to dim the landscape.
Scott listened to Airana's breathing, which was nearing it's end, with a hand on his neck. He could feel the chain slowly loosen. He grinned maniacally, finally happy to be freed of the horrible device. On Scott's eighth birthday, he found a shining silver amulet sparkling under a tremendous pile of leaves. It had taken him time to unwrap the amulet's chain from what must have been a branch. In that time, Scott had devised a plan on what he would do with his new treasure. There was a girl, Alison, whose image he could still not efface from his mind, that he had intended to gift the amulet to. But on sight of seeing the amulet, Alison became very offended for reasons Scott still did not understand, and punched him. The punch had left his nose crooked to the left, but he still could not forget Alison, undettered by her reaction.
His nostalgic wonderings had been interupted by a final shuddering breath from Airana. Scott was out the door just as the heart monitor had begun it's flatline song. He dropped a small, purple vial on the ground as he left, as he had been instructed. Scott was not usually the type to follow orders, as he was constantly forgetting them, but he knew that if he wanted the amulet removed, he had to cooperate. The chain became almost weak enough to yank off by force, which made Scott a little frustrated. He had been promised by Jekyll that this would be the last poisoning, and that the chain was to come off tonight. The malicious grin now completely gone from his face, Scott trudged off for the old, empty sewers below. Jekyll's home and base of operations.
Iam Perfectus Primus Factum
Secundus Factum
Scott's angry stomping made water fly off in all directions, and the resounding splashing got his pants up to his knees soaked in nobody-knows-what. He finally reached Eight Underground, the basic name for Jekyll's place of operations. It was literally right under the square of Eight, and on Market Day, people could be heard above, rushing to get wherever they were going. Scott could hear the few beginning rumbles of thunder above. Though he had not noticed, the amulet Scott wore advanced his senses dramatically. He could hear a bug flapping it's wings, could taste people's scent from across a room, could see for miles, could feel in amazing detail, and could smell the horrible rotting sewage.
The smell dissapated as he travelled on, the sewers wall expanding as he went deeper. After a few minutes, Scott found himself jogging to get to the door that he could see in the darkness about twenty feet away. He felt like something was holding him back, so he increased his speed. He started running faster and faster, until he looked over his shoulder and saw waves forming on either sides of him. He raised a brow for a moment, knowing this was obviously abnormal, but he had little time to think this over before his face became intimately close with the door he had been racing towards.
Shock rang through Scott's skull, having hit the door so hard had certaintly not been very beneficial for either parties. Scott fell backwards into the raw sewage water, his ears ringing from the thick goop entering them and the impact of the door. Within moment of sinking into the disgusting water, Scott was back out again, looking something like a drowned cat. Jekyll had opened the door, his pale face unamused and questioning. Hank, however, was holding back the obvious stream of laughs, which he had no talent in doing whatsoever. Hank's cheeks were puffed out and red, and his eyes were watering from sheer buildup.
Without even thinking about it, Scott picked up a handful of sludge and slung it at Hank, content with the resulting whud it made when coming into contact with his face. This left Hank at a horrible loss, mostly because he had his mouth open to inhale and was about to let out a chorus of laughter, though it was silenced when the horrible stank of rancidness filled his mouth. Before Hank could puke or fight back, Scott felt a horrible pinching in his neck, which caused him to fall forward in suprise, now completely covered in gunk. He looked up to glare at Hank, but he was already half across the room, looking for something to get the awful taste out from his mouth.
Scott chuckled, though the slight strain on his muscles caused an immediate pain in his neck. He got to his feet again, neck screaming in distaste all the while, and stared angrily at Jekyll, who had his back to him. Jekyll seemed to be deep in thought, but in the current event, Scott was in no mood to wait. He stepped onto the higher platform, this way he was out of the sludge and could drag it all over Jekyll's clean floor. Even if he was forced to work with him, Scott still hated his boss.
"Something here is incorrect. When we first met, you had told me you had intended to give the amulet to Airana Adler, right?", Jekyll asked, his glazed eyes on Scott for any sign of weakness. "No, I told you I was going to give it to Alison Adler. I killed her for no reason...?", Scott replied, though hardly feeling sorry for Ms. Alder, because she had terminal pancreatic cancer. The death he had given her was a good one. Scott's mind was in a bit of a haze. How did Jekyll know Alison...? "You idoit. You jeopardized all of our chances to ever get that off your neck. If you don't do exactly as I tell you, it'll --" Jekyll paused, letting the memory sink in. Scott waved his hand and looked paler in two seconds. If Scott did not get the amulet removed from around his neck, it would slowly start to grow tighter and tighter until he had to gasp for breath until even that wouldn't be enough.
"If Airana Adler was not the heir to the amulet's powers, then we have to get rid of anyone who could be. Alison Adler is your next kill. I wonder if you remember her?", Jekyll said maliciously, as if he was cherishing the moment. Jekyll hated the Adler family for being the sole heirs to the amulet's power, but he had a deep-seated revulsion for the Adler twins, Airana Alison. Scott felt his heart sink into his stomach. He was going to have to kill the love of his life.
Iam Perfectus Secundus Factum
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