Types of Angels
Types of Angels
Acclamations - one of three hierarchies of angels according to Robert Flood.
Aeons - angels similar to seraphim in gnosticism, with each Aeon being in charge of a heavenly realm made up of concentric circles.
Angels - type of angel closest to mankind who act as messengers; believed to be the same as guardian angels.
Apparitions - one of three hierarchies of angels according to Robert Flood.
Archai - equated with Authorities, Exousiai, Powers, Potenatates, Principalities; same as Archons.
Archangels - "chief messengers" who are the primary messengers between God and mankind.
Archons - equated with Aeons, Archangels and Princes.
Authorities - angels who bear authority and equated with Dominions, Powers and Virtues. Same as the Greek word exousiai.
Bene-Elohim - "sons of God" equated to Thrones, Issim and sometimes Archangels.
Cherubim - second highest angels to God; equated to Hayyoth of Hebrew lore and Kerubim of Islam teachings.
Dominations - also called Dominions and Lords; the fourth highest order of angels.
Elim - proper name for angel.
Elohim - equated with Principalities and usually mis-translated as "God" in the Christian Old Testament. Elohim is also plural, and it is written that Jesus quoted Psalms 82:6, "...you (mankind) are Elohim..." Interesting, huh?
Erelim - equated with Bene-Elohim, Issim and Thrones.
Excellencies - equated with Virtues.
Exousiai - Greek word for Authorities.
Hasmalim - high ranking order of angels along with seraphim and cherubim; equated with Dominions sometimes.
Hayyoth - high ranking merkabah (throne chariot) angels equated with Hasmalim, Seraphim and Cherubim.
Intelligences - astral power equated to Archons and Seals.
Issim - angels equated with Bene-Elohim, Thrones and Erelim.
Malachin - order of angels from Hebrew lore.
Ophanim - high ranking angels equated with Thrones, Cherubim and Wheels.
Origins - type of angel mentioned in 2 Enoch.
Palatinates - angels equated with the Powers.
Potentates - same as Powers.
Powers - sixth highest order of angels believed to be protectors of divine plans initiated by Dominations and carried out by Virtues.
Princes - high ranking angels equated with Archons and Principalities.
Principalities - seventh highest order of angels who watch over the nations of the earth.
Rulers - angels equated with Dominions and Principalities.
Scribes - angels who record all the deeds of mankind.
Seals - equated with the Intelligences.
Seats - angels equated with Thrones.
Sebalim - song-uttering order of angels.
Seraphim - angels highest and closest to God.
Tapsarim - high order of angels equated with Scribes.
Tarshisim - "brilliant ones" equated with Virtues.
Thrones - third highest order of angels also called Seats.
Virtues - fifth highest order of angels, who carry out the plans set forth by the Dominions; their name means "powers."
Voices - one of three heirarchies of angels according to Robert Flood.
Wheels - many-eyed angels equated with Ophanim, Thrones and Cherubim.See alsoArchangel ListAs well as another list of Archangels