May 5, 2010 Saturday 1:03PM
Looking back on it now, I really was over-raging.
Nucc will be arriving at the mall around 2:30-3:00PM, I just desperately hope that mother-person does not follow me inside.
I desperately hope that we can continue this charade without the curtain concealing our relationship falling over us. I fear that, terribly.
I want to forget about all these things though, when I see him again.
That text he sent me Thursday that I had briefly told you about:
"Zicd dfu suna tyoc. Dfu suna tyoc uv taymehk fedr pimmcred yd fung. Dfu suna tyoc ihdem e lyh vunkad ypuid ajanodrehk eh dra funmt aqlabd vun oui."
Shortie and Bowie at school thought that it was incredibly cute, the message.
I can't wait to meet him again, I really am.
[Log to be continued] 1:24PM
[Continued] 9:13PM
It was so wonderful, being with him, today. My heart sags with all this weight. Oh, how I wish the parent-people "cared" not for me.
Nucc told me that he loves me. I can still feel his arms around the sides of my ribcage.
It was so wonderful. While walking on a tar path we found a little dirt path leading into the woods. There it was that we told each other that we loved each other. He picked me up and I wrapped me legs around him, looking at him in the eyes, he said my name, then said those three words. It was like a dream, with a romantic setting like no other.
He held me so tightly, I miss it/that so much.
Oh... I feel so tired... Nucc... I love you, I love you so much. How I wish we could just hold each other and fall asleep in each others arms. How I wish for that.
We stayed at the park for about 3-3.5 hours and walked around and kissed.
We first met in FYE, he noticed me first as I was searching for him, and we embraced in the store. He said that I smelled purdy, and I him. This balding man was looking at us (until we looked his way, that is), and Nucc said that the man probable thought he was talking to the man. ^_^
It strains my heart so. For someone, anyone, to feel so strongly towards me, like the way Nucc does... it's so wonderful and amazing.
I told him as we were together on that side-path that he does so much for me, and I can't thank him enough. Nucc said that as long as [insert my name] loves him, it's fine.
After our long stay in this side-path we ventured out and then sat on a bench facing the lake a few minutes later. Just holding hands, and Nucc talking about his life.
I got to see both of his scars too.
He's so much more sensible than I. I can't hold myself back when we kiss, he's always the one that makes the sensible stop, or temporary cease, to our actions.
In Spencer's Gifts we held each other for a while, he in front of me or I in front of him. He repeated to me in a low voice, "I love you," so many times. Before that he said to me that he could say that a thousand times to me. I love him. It's definitely.
[May be continued] 10:10PM
[End Log] May 16, 2010 6:09PM
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