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Connecting My thoughts, and dreams, and hopes, losses, regrets, and pains, and expression of the heart.

Poison Fairy Sennyo
Community Member
May 14, 2010 Friday 10:13PM


A ******** mood-killer that mother-person is. She's ruined the romantic mindset I had for tomorrow. I feel sorry, no, terrible, for my dear Nucc though. He needs to change his plans now.
I was crying though, after the woman left. I can still feel them in my heart too, like a puddle after a heavy rain. Heavy.
Oh, ********, how that has just ruined everything. Pathetic conservative republican Glenn Beck-worshiping woman.
I don't know what I'll do now, Sennyo. Your guidance has never really helped me before, but I ask you, what shall I do? Proposing to the woman new solutions could just raise suspicions. ********.
******** ******** ******** ******** ********.

I want to live in that world where Nucc and I aren't restricted by age or space-distance. I really do love him. I say this even without this heaviness in my heart. I do.

He tried calling me today at 8:47PM today, however, I failed to feel the vibration of my phone. Three minutes later he texts me, and I notice this just due my checking of the time as I was on a walk. He told me that he'd be working late and it'd be 18 hours until us-time.
I hope so, I really do.
Oh, god, how I want to see him right now.

[Log may be continued] 10:32PM
[End Log] May 16, 2010 6:09PM

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