May 16, 2010 Sunday 5:20PM
After dosing off yesterday after I last wrote you, I found a new PM on F2 from Nucc, sent to me at 2:05AM. Saying in a matter of sentences about our amazing day together.
It touches my heart so well, smiling stupidly am I.
Even the "happy old man who sold us the park pass", did Nucc list, among a few other, simply put, but incredibly memorable things.
"Y bed yku E naymewat drana fyc yh ihiciym dycda eh so suidr... drah ed ullinnat du sa ed fyc oui. Sss, tameleuic Cdabryhea.
[druca drnaa funtc]"
As we sat somewhere... I think it was on that bench in the park... or perhaps that couch at the mall, his sentimental side came through again as he spoke of possibilities. He even said that, possibilities, "ifs", etc. One of them was, should I go to a college further away, Nucc just might have to find a job near there. I think now that it was when we were sitting together on that couch at the mall that he said that "if" to me.
I'm such a child compared to him. I remember a few times he got angry, in a humorous way, when I made comments that made him feel old. Such as when we were talking about DBZ, and how he used to watch that in middle school a lot, and I said that I watched that a little in first grade, but don't remember much. I would always hug him and apologize, but it's little things like that that remind me of our age difference.
[May be continued] 6:07PM
[End Log] May 18, 2010 8:02PM
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