
Voice Ex



Alternative Outfits

Name: Pikoru Inora
D.O.B.: March 3
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Orientation: Polysexual/Pansexual
Occupation: Unemployed & Homeless, isn't really looking for a job but is looking for somewhere to stay
Likes: Blood, Manipulation, Pain, Eastern culture foods, Twerps (any body weaker or shorter than her),
Dislikes: Having someone tower over her, Being thought of as an equal to someone or a lower vessel to someone else, Being turned down
Eyes: A very light teal, with iris' as a darker teal & small black pupils that always look undialated.
Hair: A light silky lilac
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 98 lbs
Other: Piko was born with stunted growth/aging so she ends up looking so much younger than she is. Her ears are gaged to 1/2 an inch, & usually wears metal loops or fill-ins. She has 3 lip piercing going across her bottom lip, 3 down her nose bridge & one on the farthest right of her eyebrow. All those are usually black stubs, or if she's in a good mood are lime green, hot pink or electric blue. The horns in her buns are always secured to her head & uses them as a weapon, flailing her head about if she ever needs to. She also carry's Poison Barbs as a weapon. Along with her horns, she has razor sharp claws on a pair of arm sleeves she wears with her outfit. The claws are located on her forearm, two on the outside of the sleeves. Piko also likes to wear her sunglasses similarly imitating a Skorupi's eyes on sunny days.
Color: Royal purple, electric blue, black, lime green, hot pink & crimson
Food: Miso-glazed scallops with soba noodles, midori salmon, & temari sushi
Desert: Cakes, sugar plums, cabochons (pink chocolate bars), mochigashi, manjyu, daifuku ice cream, sweet rice dumplings, & lemon cakes
Hobby: Piko is a lover of roleplaying adventure games & likes to play DDR as well. She's like to draw, but often grows frustrated & gives up because her drawing skills are well... non-existant. When she's not playing games or drawing she attempts singing in karaoke or looks to terrorize others or at least tease them.
Weather: Rainy Days
Quirks: Piko is a Sadist & Masochist, & she takes it seriously, she doesn't joke around when it comes to it & can sometimes start go a bit too far. She has been known as a cruel & bloody Dominatrix.
Little Known Fact(s):
- Piko can survive months without food without ever really losing any weight, after about 9 months she will start losing a pound every month until she reaches a year where she reaches the point where she'll have to eat or she'll die.
- Piko has been known to carry on the ability of Sniper from the pokemon she originates from. There is a rumor as well she carries the ability of Battle Armor as well.
- Yes that is an actual tail, & you best be aware of it cause like the pokemon itself, it secretes a deadly poison in it.

One would be wise to question her sanity. Because those who don't usually get hurt. Piko has seemingly lost her marbles long ago, but only shows that when she has become upset over something. It's not a good idea to push her to this point cause she tends to over react to a lot of things, & wont calm unlike she feels the warm liquid of someone's blood. Even if it's her own. There hasn't been anyone who has been able to pull her out of this state without getting harmed in any way, without shedding even a drop of blood. So it's best to keep her happy or you just might regret it.
Like any wild animal, Piko was never taught how to be respectable & kind so she acts out like a wild beast, laughing rather loudly & hitting you for no reason. Out of no where she'll tackle you to the ground, or just plain out right kick you until you hit the ground. She means no real harm by it, because if she did you be shedding blood. Piko is definitely a ruffian & some one not to be taken lightly.
You guessed it. Piko doesn't take no for an answer & will follow you around like paparazzi. She's a bit obsessive & her sassy nature doesn't help at all in the problem. She doesn't care what you have to say, only what she has to say, & that's often the downfall of herself. Respect is merely a word to her unless it's directed to her, which she expects right away even if you don't know her. In her eyes she's the best & no one can compare, she becomes shocked if you tell her you've never heard of her & will outright want explaining why. Think rude & disrespectful & you have Piko. Minus the nose picking, farting & belching. D:
Piko takes great pride in her body even if she doesn't look much older than 13. She's very sensual, trailing a finger over your skin to make you shiver or slowly raises her own skirt/dress just to tense up the mood. She'll take great measures just to make you blush, touching & rubbing being the biggest thing she turns to. She'll even at times if she's for sure you interested will make sexual gestures, but wont make a fool of her self if she knows your definitely not interested. She may experiment a bit by touching you & getting inside your comfort bubble just to see where she stands with you.
The smallest word or even gesture, maybe even just a flick to her nose, could easily send her either in tears or in a fury fit. She doesn't like being made fun of at all & takes anything offensive to heart even if you thought it was just a joke. She loves sweet words & can often times take them to heart too far thinking you like her. If that ends up being the case you'll have a paparazzi girl, taking pictures of you, giving you multiple gifts & making wonderful sweets for you. Or at least attempting it.
Not much is known about Pikoru. Nothing more than her name seems relevant. She was born in a quiet outskirted town where not many lived, she grew up fairly nice & was loved by all the elders quickly becoming the towns icon. She spent her days just greeting new comers & playing them but tended to venture away from other children. If they even tried to play with her she kicked dirt at them, pushed them away, threatened them or even just glared. This side of her was only seen when she was alone with them, if she was in the presence of an elder she just kindly told them she didn't want to play right now. Unfortunately as time passed she was finally caught in her act of terrorizing the children.
This was the start of her sanity slipping away as she was punished over & over for continuing her act, & the end result wasn't pretty. She started taking her threats & hits up to higher levels until she actually ended the life of a child. She was put in a mental institution & was locked away there until just recently. She figured out if she just pretended she was better they would let her go, & doing so worked. Though she's still missing part of her sanity, she's not always the kind girl she used to be after being in the crazy house. It hadn't taken her long to get herself her piercings with all the seducing she did, only getting that out of her act & leaving the person confused & heartbroken. She had no money of her own so it was the only way she knew how to get what she wanted. Unfortunately on the male's part, as far as she knows, but doesn't exactly care too much, he's still a bit of a heartbroken mess after she up & left him so suddenly. Piko doesn't currently own a home or have anywhere to call home & just lives in a park with the only things she was given back after leaving the crazy house & the cleaning equipment for her piercings, all packed away in a messanger bag.