❝I'm not a girl!❞
Voice Ex
Main Theme(s)
Relationship Theme(s)

Alternative Outfits
Casual: I
Winter: I II III
Pajama: I
Yukata: I
Swimsuit: I
Bellydancer: I
Home References
[One] [Two] [Three] [Four]
Name: Iele Ne (Ee-ay-lay Nay)
D.O.B.: May 5
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Occupation: Bellydancer at the circus
Likes: bitter food, rain, silence, sunbathing, sleeping
Dislikes: being mistaken for a girl, sweets, cold weather, being teased (non-sexual or not it annoys him to no end & drives him insane)
Eyes: Iris's gold, around it is black, not white.
Hair: Dreaded, black at roots, fades to a dark pink, wears a gold ball elastic in a pigtail on top of his head.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 100 lbs
Other: He's quite small & loves wearing purple nail polish on his toes & fingers. The pale yellow band he wears around his torso acts as a corset, which actually has given him some curves since he wears it everyday, finding himself tightening it just a little every time.
Color: Blues, blacks, & Magenta
Food: Anything Bitter
Berry: Rabuta, Durin (absolute favorite & would be overjoyed if you gave him one, he may even have an immediate liking to you. Also the best gift to give him if your trying to apologize for something), Petaya, Strib, Niniku, Colbur, Haban, Coba, Rindo, Passho
Desert: Dark chocolate & Grapefruit
Hobby: Photosynthesis, gardening, belly dancing (Don't laugh! D< wink
Weather: Sunny
Quirks: He actually likes being under the control of someone even if he tries to rebel against it.
Phobias: Agraphobia, Cryophobia, Dishabiliophobia, Anuptaphobia, Arsonphobia, Dystychiphobia,
Rhabdophobia, Tyrannophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Atychiphobia, Doxophobia, Eurotophobia,
Phasmophobia, Scelerophobia, Virginitiphobia, Zemmiphobia, Hypertrichophobia
Little Known Fact(s):
- Iele is actually very sensual, just touching sets him off like a rocket.
- Though he does not harm himself, because of his past, he actually enjoys pain inflicted on him.
- Iele has always wanted a piercing but could never decide if it was his thing.
- A rather laughable thing Iele does, & this is a little known to secret fact about him because he's embarrassed about it being known, is watch fitness channels & work out, even at times attempting at belly dancing no matter how impossible it may be for a male to do it. He's actually become quite good at it, & catching him doing it should be a treat, but you wouldn't want to get caught yourself.

_____________PokeDex No.: 345
_____________Name: Lileep
_____________Level: 1
_____________Exp. Points: --
_____________To the Next Level: --
_____________Item: None
_____________HP: 13/13
_____________Attack: 6
_____________Defense: 7
_____________Sp. Attack: 7
_____________Sp. Defense: 7
_____________Speed: 6
_____________Ability: 10
_____________Move 01: Grass Knot
_____________Move 02: Energy Ball
_____________Move 03: Ancient Power
_____________Move 04: Endure

Most of the time Iele is very calm & lazy, taking whatever chance possible to laze around in the sun. He believes very highly in Photosynthesis & in so he hardly eats unless the sun refuses to show. When he does eat however, he devours only bitter foods, refusing anything better. You'll find that Iele can be very stubborn, refusing anything he doesn't want or like, or in some cases, he'll refuse in denial of something. Be it how he really feels or just plain over if he wants something. He's not too sure himself why he denies those things, but doesn't bother questioning it too much cause it usually just ends up him rationing it to the point of 'Just because'. It's the kind of stubborn that's just pointless over the fact that he doesn't like to admit defeat to any one, not even himself. It's because of this he's usually last to fall in battle no matter how wounded he is. In battle, he's often quick to react, but plays more of defensive than offensive, which usually ends him in defeat no matter how headstrong he is. Though when Rivalry is around, the battle is very heated, & Iele does whatever it takes to win even if it means to harm him severely. His pride against a Rival means more than anything to him. You could say Iele could care less about battling anyone but his own rivals.
Iele doesn't speak much, & usually avoids it due to his anxiety. If one were to try & speak with him, you'd get nothing but an embarrassed blush & silence while he tries to search for words & his heart is beating a million miles a minute even if it's something as simple as "Hi". He's the average loner, tending to venture off on his own even if he had been in a group before. It's hard for him to befriend anyone, but an easy way to get him to open up is keep "mistaking" him for a girl. This easily breaks his shell into becoming upset with you, but he gets over it rather quickly, as he's not able to hold a grudge for just about very long. He'll pout & act like he doesn't like you, all due to his headstrong quality, but just a few more pushes & he'll open up.
Secretly Amorous
Iele is very guilty of a lustful nature. Give him too much friction & your bound to have him commanding you to stop. But truth be told, that's not what he wants at all. Quite the opposite really. Being dominated is a big guilty pleasure, but you wont ever hear that from him. Once you've got his body reacting to you, you've pretty much hooked him as he tends to react more on his actions rather than emotions. But just because you do, doesn't mean he wont be in denial for a while. How fast he warms up to you how ever all depends on whether or not he's accepting defeat. & it doesn't happen often!
One way you'll find out he's got feelings for you is... well deep feelings is he'll be very rude & snappy. It doesn't matter what you say, he'll snap back, not intentionally trying to act like a jerk, but his anxiety at that level causes him to talk without thinking. If this ends up being the case he'll be walking around with a reddened huffy face whenever your around & will refuse any attention from you to see if you'll actually take the time waste your energy over him. He may not be aware of that's the reason why himself, but it's an ever repeating act he pulls to ensure himself safety from getting his heart broken like it did before.
When someone is dear to him, you'll find out he's quite gentle & lovable, but never clings to one out in public. His gentle side shows more when he's tending to his garden, & probably the only time you'll ever catch a glimpse of it. That's unless you've broken his boundaries, & if you have. Good for you. But Iele will always show the utmost kindest to his lover, though at most points will still act like a brat when his anxiety is acting up. Nonetheless, he will always try his hardest to make his close loved ones happy, & because of this tends to take things a bit far. He'll do silly things like attempting to make a meal for someone only to fail in the end, either burning it or making it tasteless or bitter.
Romantically Dumb
Iele is, & always has been a bit of a tramp much due to the fact he doesn't really know the difference from love & lust. He doesn't go out of his way to get in bed with someone, but that doesn't mean he wont say no either unless his emotions get in the way. It's not best to try & claim him unless your up for teaching him the entire works of a real relationship.
The day he was born, was a day no one would forget. Unfortunately for Iele, he was born the day chaos broke loose. He was born in an underground civilization, where others lived for many years. However on the day he was born, they were raided by mysterious men, all the children were either taken hostage or slaughtered like pigs, the woman were severely raped or locked away with no food or water, & the elderly & men were just offed like they were nothing. Luckily in a way, Iele was one of the children to be taken hostage. To this day, no one really knows why the mysterious men did this, but Iele knows. Unfortunately, due to serious trauma he hardly remembers anything about it & refuses to even try & remember anything about it.
The men who took hostage of him, did tests on him & never allowed him to speak or make any noise at all. If he did he was rewarded a severe injury, but they were always so precise as to make sure he would never die from it. Sexual abuse was also a common thing, as the men preferred children over older woman or men. His anxiety & feminine act is brought from this. At the age of 13 he was released from the grasp of the men when they were retaliated by the police, & he was brought to an orphanage to live. He was forced to go to counseling, but he never spoke, so it never progressed & they eventually gave in. They learned eventually, that making him remember his past shuts him down, but allowing him to try & move on allows him a brighter light. His nature progressed greatly when in the presence of others, but he still refused to talk or make much action other than lazing about.
Some odd years had passed, & Iele was still refusing to let anyone in, it wasn't until he came across another fossil gijinka, a Sheildon, like him that he took interest in someone other than himself. To be truthful, this gijinka was female & a tough one at that. She was the very essence of cold & lonely. It might've been her cold & lonely nature that drew him interested, but in the end there was that same answer. It was his first hetero love. It may have been one sided, but the girl falsely returned feelings to him which brought him to believe further it was love.
Their love, unfortunately, was to be kept secret, since it was enough this girl was nothing but trouble & none of the care takers trusted her well enough to be alone with someone. So they over & over spent their nights sleepless, while she over & over cut him down & tortured his skin watching him bleed. Something he only endured because he loved her. The secret started to spill as the scars started to show until fresher wounds were being seen. Heilo Shei. Her name was spoken over & over, in murmurs, in mutters until the rumor passed on finally turned into something bigger. A wildfire. She was forceably removed from the Orphanage, as again Iele was forced into meaningless counseling.
This time they never let up, questioning him everyday, getting a disturbing silence that only made them queasy in fear. When things refused to progress, Iele was given the chance to move out into a remote town, a home just outside a city with all the store & needs, hoping that this would help with their progress. He took that chance hoping to be rid of them for good but wasn't. 2... 3... 4... 8... He'd lost count just how many counselors quit because of his disturbing silence. But still even now they persist to know his secrets.
When he wasn't being pestered into a bad mood, he spent his days gardening &/or sunbathing. Unfortunately, due to attire giving him curves, he'd been mistaken quite a number of times being a female out in the open topless & has been charged a few times of "Public Nudity" until they finally got it through their heads he's a male. The calls how ever still happen, but a large fuss is never made.
It was taught in his underground civilization that Photosynthesis was a great way to stay young & healthy for plant types for pokemon & gajinka's alike. Seeing how he never lived in that time, he only read about it through books & took Photosynthesis as his own thing. His skin never tans or burns, but stays a brilliant pale gold.

May 5th, the birth of Iele Ne
A pink dread headed female, features portraying that of her childs that was currently being pushed from her small frame. At her side an Armaldo stood, a strong and silent man he was, but at this night he was showing such worry as the woman struggled. He was the father of this child she was birthing & losing her life for. He knew it by the frantic nurses & doctors saying it over & over. Their technology here was unfortunately too poor to save this woman's life & all the man could do was watch her as she uttered her last breath. "Iele." He was torn apart by her death but gave her maiden name in remembrance of her. "Ne." Unfortunately at Iele's birth & Elipe's death, chao's broke loose.
Distant screams were heard just outside as men in black were bombarding their home. The Armaldo, Marlo, who had Iele cradled in his bulbous arms securely had turned & left his son's life with a nurse as he left in a rush to stop all of this, but he held no challenge to the mysterious men & he was M.I.A. within seconds. The onslaught continued, women were raped & slaughtered as the elder were killed off mercilessly, children of any age under 16 were taken away to a hidden lab where they would spend years of torture. Iele's brother, a Cradily, who had stayed home in waiting anticipation was taken hostage as well but had no idea if he had a brother or sister & gave up hope of ever knowing after.
The lab
It was the place Iele spent his entire childhood, learning that making noises were not allowed, & flinching would be a deathly mistake. Acting of your free will was not prohibited & instead he could only do as he was told. Bow & bend to their requests, he grew out of showing any emotion knowing only this horrible world of pain, he'd lost all hope of ever knowing anything other than this world. After countless experiments & lusted nights with the men, a sudden light broke through & he was free. Only he didn't know what that meant. He was nothing more than a porcelain doll, having no voice of his own nor a will to do anything at all. So what did being free mean?
The Orphanage
From the age of 12 Iele was freed from the deathly grasp of the mysterious men only to soon fall in the grasp of another. The dread head took a year before he realized just what being free meant & slowly started to experience emotions, something that was so overwhelming at first. He spent days in his own room refusing to leave as he cried over the heart ache he was suddenly experiencing. Once he embraced the heart ache, he ventured away from contact to anyone, a new anxiety building a wall from contact, his voice was lost again & he stayed mute for a year as he was constantly questioned of his life in the lab.
It hurt too much to think about it & every time it was brought up only caused a break down, thus the subject was let go for a while until Iele could take in life of being free. All seemed to be going so well but he still made no effort to make any contact with any one. The adults pushed him into it, but things always ended badly by him being teased about looking like a girl or his eyes being weird, this only made him shove back at the adults who persisted he talk with the others. It didn't take long for an unruly nature to break out when the adults still persisted, it was the fear inside of Iele that made him fight back & ended with him alone.
The adults again gave up, leaving the child to wander alone, having not much of choice but to do so. By the time Iele turned 15, he met a girl who was a fossil evolution child like him. She had a bad past but something about her intrigued him. Was it that cold stare, that cocky grin the very being of what reminded him of the mysterious men? The question went unanswered as he blindly followed her about until she finally accepted him, but not in any way imaginable. She cooed & taunted him, telling false truths of how she loved him too. It was hard to maintain such a relationship since the girl was monitored every second, but she found sly ways to take advantage of Iele's love sickness.
She was a masochist, a domanatrix & a cold hearted liar. Iele believed every lie without a thought about it & did everything he could to spend every second with her. Every night he endured pain from cuts, & slaps, even wounds left from whips & chains & certain unmentionables. He did this in only the oblivious thought this was what love was. Unfortunately for him, those nights & days were taken from him when a wound was spotted, he was questioned & he lied to try & save Heilo, but his lies were horrible, so he was left to lose his first love whom actually was nothing but a dud. He found everything she ever said was just a lie & he was just a played fool, a victim to her.
After Heilo
After things went down, Iele fell back into his slope which only brought him into counseling again, but not so constant as before, & eventually was trusted to have his own home upon being monitored like a hawk only fearing for his safety. The one who monitored him day & night was almost always an elder male known as Draven Cinder Leviathon, but only elder as he was older than Iele. Draven, the Ho-oh gijinka unfortunately also had an insatiable hunger for young boys, but normally veered away from the orphans. What ever possessed the orphanage to have Draven watch over Iele, who knows, perhaps they trusted him too much?
Whatever the reason, Draven started to become infatuated with the boy & visited him regularly upon the feeling. Iele's hardy nature only pushed him further to love this boy, though love to him was only incredible sex with someone you want. & again Iele fell hard for someone not only older than him but someone who only used him. Their secret actions were caught however, & Draven lost his job, ending up living with his old "friend" Yazau Raquya, the Rayquaza gijinka, abandoning Iele with a broken heart once again, but what Iele didn't know was Draven was not allowed contact to him at all, orders from a court & the Orphanage.
The monitoring died down a bit as the few years went by finally giving him some privacy. He was given a rather small home just on the outskirts of a quiet & peaceful place. Or peaceful when the police weren't being called for false reports of public nudity.