Name: Merill Pellyn Aliases: Death matcher, Rill (Hardly lets anyone call him by it)
Gender: Male
Birthday: Dec 11th
Age: 14
Blood Type: O-
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 4' 4
Weight: 80 lbs
Family: Lost contact with those who didn't... 'disappear'.
Romantic Interest(s): Preffers boys but hasn't much considered it
History: Merill's past was pretty normal as his life didn't change much until he was about 5 and his mutation had become apparent. Around that time was when his close family vanished, they were thought to have been murdered but the culprit was never found as no one heard about it until several months later when Merill was found alone. Merill had been among those affected by the toxins that had errutped after the earthquake and was long digusted with that as his parents had made sure he knew what an awful creature he was and continuously threatening to send him away. It was those comments that had driven him to his murderous actions in killing them along with his one sister, though, she'd been the only one to convince his parents to keep him there instead of turning him in to be sent off with the others. Of course, he'd made sure to keep a part of her with him... Always. For almost his entire life Merill has had rather large superiority complex and an ego that is more often than not hard to match. There were mutants that believed, like him, that the mutants should not exsist. But working with the government and destroying them yourself, now where's the fun in that? Back in the times when there were gladiators they'd put criminals and slaves up against huge gladiators, though, having such unevenly matched pairs would have far less blood shed than if they were to be of about equal strength. That idea is what brought the Colosseum about as Merill saw the other mutants as about the level of slaves and criminals in the society they lived in now. These creatures were more or less shunned anyways so no one would miss them if they were to be taken tehre against their will, in fact, Merill did not doubt that some would come to watch. His parents had been wealthy, their weath had put them in a fairly high class and Merill was constantly threatening that position, though, now that they were gone he was left with the small fortune that they had. It was that money that started the Colosseum and after that it was the funds that came to him from peple coming to watch. The staff that worked there in the begining were mostly volunteers as Merill had found several humans who had been willing to help him capture mutants and what ever else needed to be done at the Colosseum out of their own free will in their free time until Merill possessed an appropriate amount of money for hired help. Merill found that the Colloseum really did attract big enough audiences and he was soon at his previous place in the wealthier part of society and maybe even passed his previous position. Though, being a mutant himself, he prefers to remain hidden inside the Colosseum if he isn't helping with the capturing of mutants and can usually only be seen from the booth in which he observes the fights. This booth is intentionally far away from the bleachers that the audience sit on to make sure that the only ones who get a close look at him are the mutants and quite carefully selected staff, his appearance is still quite human but he prefers not to take risks.
Powers: Psionic blast ~{ Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death depending on the strength of the blast. Using this ability takes a lot of energy as Merill's body does not possess the strength to easily build up a psionic blast. }~ Abilities: Merill is quite capable of using most non-ranged weapons that are light enough. Despite his normal lack of movement, Merill is quick and has quick reflexes in dodging, though, he's limited to his speed in offense and evaision while his defense is weak.
Equipment: A locket that he wears around his neck. It hasn't been opened in many years and he almost never takes it off, when he does it's always close by. Transportation: When he actually decides to go somewhere he preffers to walk as he's been prone to motion sickness.
Weapons: Uses a wide variety, he prefers a scythe or whip but normally only carries a whip as the scythe is inconvenient.