Name: Dimitri
Played By: Prince Z e e.
>>Race: Italian.
>>Gender: Male.
>>Age: Sixteen.
>>Grade: Junior.
>>Birthday: December 15, 1993
>>Sexual Preference: Bisexual.
>>More Info:
Dimitri's parents split up early on in his life. In fact, he barely remember his mother at all; he's just a symbol of contempt in his life, so no mother figure in his life. He grew up in a family of three him, his father, and his older sister. So let's say he was the youngest even though he was taller than her sister for years, him being the youngest made him be babied a lot meaning spoiled. That care from his family made him be have a huge ego once he hit elementary school, that huge ego did get him far through out school years. He had friends in a manner of fact he had a whole bunch, but when middle school rolled in. It was a different zone, complicated to even be friendly. He was an outcast to say, and he made friends with what seems to they call popular boy name Andrew.
Oh how they envy that Dimitri, and they seem to not want Dimitri be happy. Until a night him and his close friend were walking home and those cliques ganged up on little ol Dimitri. Then suddenly they took a blade out on him and started to go at Dimitri, everything went blank and he ended up at the hospital. Waking up all popped up in his mind was wheres Andrew. His father told Dimitri that Andrew is was dead protecting him. Which effected Dimitri terribly leaving him in a deep depression and a great phobia of knife's.
>> A bit cold with people he doesn't know, a bit weird and kinda a psycho freak with being clean and germ free. Keeps thing to himself. Clueless on things that people explain if it isn't in his words, paranoid with strangers being so close to him. Why yes he has issues. As far as `open book` goes, he has no intention of knowing you unless he's forced to talk or he finds the person quite interesting. He's a bit emotional unstable but of course he doesn't show that. He won't put his life in someone else's hands for the reasons is that he has trust issues for the reason is cause of his childhood. When sports come into the picture he's a total different person, competitive, social and actually the total opposite of keeping things to himself. A lot of people finds it shocking how quickly he changes from a quiet a** to a outgoing crazed player. View on school is just to get his education and he's out!
>>Favorite Class: P.E
>>Least Favorite Class: Algebra II
>>Sports: Track, Baseball, and Swimming.
>>Elective: Driver's Ed.
>>Dorm #: 410C
Appearance: XxX xXx
>>Hair: Dark that goes down ups to his shoulder, Messy and usually just keeps his untamed hair back with his headband.
>>Eyes: His eyes are hazel and sometimes look golden.
>>More Info: He exactly stands at 5'10, fairly slim. He's dark tan for the reason of being out in the sun so much in the summer but he's originally tan. He had a tattoo under his stomach that says 'Domi' which was his nickname that Andrew gave him. Multiple piercings on his left ear.