He even dressed up redface
 Thank's, Dan.
Thank's sha-may-may. Lol.
Thank you samy, I love you. I turn you on,eh?
Why, tank yew, plushy, me lad.
Thankyou please.
I have strep throat and, she was wishing me well. ;3 thanks.
Awe, Awe, Awe. I Looooooooooooooove it. C;
Isn't he just adourable? Sign by OHAI QT <3
Why, thank you Rock It Rocket! :3 <3
On you're leg? That's different! You're a total cutie pie! Sign by: Narcissistic Patronizer <3 Thank's hun!
Inocent and so adourable! <3Thank's S a d i s t i c D r e a m
Aww, that signs so fierce! <3 :'D! Thanks E n v i o u s D e a t h
Even though you covered your face... I still like it Cx Thanks dearist c:
Thanks dear its very much cute <333 AlessioninRomantics <33
I like the way my name matches his shirt xD Thanks kid! Its super ******** adourable!
D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Isn't it cute?! Isn't it? isn't it? Isn't it? Thank you, dear!
It's so cute <3 c:
It's cute isn't it?
Im digging the fro! IT looks so luscious xD Thanks.
   He made a lot of very big signs.. ;;>w> Thank's, dear...
Thanks for the sign, Ed :3
Po-wer birdy D; DON'T KILL THE BIRDY YOU FOOL! Thank you.
Make me a sign and I'll pay you or something. redface
Vanity Meltdown · Wed Jan 20, 2010 @ 04:59pm · 0 Comments |