Age:Unknown but appears 17.
Race biggrin emon.

Quote: "Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most."
Bio:As a child Reika faced many hard ships. One of them being, she is a spawn of the devil. Another being, she was seperated from her other half or, her twin brother. Never haveing a parent typed influence she learned to take care of herself. Her biggest destiny in life is to find her other half. She is very outgoing and, blunt, it takes a while to earn her trust but, once you've got it she will always trust you. She is very persuasive and, charming in turn she gets almost anything she wants. She is stuborn so, a bit of a handful but, in the end she is worth it. Shes a lover, and, a fighter. She always finds a cute way to exspress her feelings to one. She lies to get her way and, she cheats if she can't get it. She is also very spunky when it comes to certain things. Besides finding her twin another big goal in her life is to find someone who can keep up with her and, see her for a lovely individual...Not a monster.
Weapons: Demonic powers, posessive control and, a small dagger hidden in her bussom.