
I'm officially afraid of Myspace.
I've heard too much s**t on the news about it.
Not that I was on there much anyway. It's rather boring.
Only there to talk to friends from school.
Still, I'm thinking about quitting now.
In other news... I fear my next progress report from school.
I'm failing most of my classes.
Let's face it, it's been a shitty quarter.
Worrying about moving.
Losing two friends to home school, and one to Nebraska of all places.
Stupid Nebraska... give my Carol back!
And my best friend got in a bit of a car accident, if you can call it that.
She was hit by a truck while riding her bike to school, and she almost died.
Yeah, it's sucked a**.
What a month.
And to make matters worse, my mom wants to take me to the dentist.
I hate the dentist! Always have.
It's the thought of having needles jammed into my gum. I hate needles more than dentists.
And though I'm sure as hell I won't need any of that,
the thought still scares the s**t out of me.
Damn my phobia of needles!