
Happy Chinese New Year Peoples!
I had no idea that it was today, until I saw millions of threads about it.
My calendar doesn't cover this holiday apparently.
Anyway, it just so happens to be the year of the dog.
So, because I feel like it.
Here are some pictures of a few awesome anime dogs.

And who better to start with, then Furuba's very own Shigure Sohma?

Little Ein, from Cowboy Bebop.

Akamaru, from Naruto. Along with Kiba, of course. ^ ^

And of course we can't leave Inuyasha out.

Or Sesshoumaru either. Definatly can't leave him out!

Okay, so Kouga is a wolf. Still, wolves are part of the canine (dog) family, so he counts too. <3

As does Ayame.

And it just wouldn't be right to put Kouga in here, and leave Ginta and Hakkaku out. They're too damn cute! So, here they are. ^ ^

And can't forget Wolf's Rain. Starting with Blue. ^ ^

And Kiba.

Not forgetting Tsume. ^ ^

And my personal favorite, Hige. <3

Toboe is just too damn cute to be left out.

Well, they say Menchi is a dog. He looks more like a cat to me though, but oh well. Here's menchi, Excel Saga's own dog/emergency food supply! lol

Since foxes are also part of the canine (dog) family, if I remember right. Here's Kurama.

And little Shippo too. ^ ^

And to think that I nearly forgot Inu-papa! Shame... *smacks self*.

Can't forget Black Hayate, of course. He's so cute. I can't seem to find a picture of Winry's dog, Den though.... so sad.

Or Ed, who is a "dog" of the military. Yeah... cheesy. xp

Mustang, another military "dog". Once again, pathetic joke, but it's a good excuse to put him in here. ^ ^
Why do I do this, you may ask?
Because I'm bored as hell.
And that's all I have for now, but I'll probably find more to post here soon.
Happy Year of the Dog, Everyone!