But as I was saying. I have NEVER been more pissed in my life. :/ I spent TWO days STRAIGHT cooking food for Christmas eve, I worked my a** off to produce quality food. And none of them gave a rat's a**. First off, I wanted to make Baklava sooo bad, I tried it at school before I left and it was amazing. So I wanted to share that with them all... Ha. For anyone who doesn't know what it is, it's a Greek dessert, but Jews eat it too. :v And apparently so do Arabs. It's just layers of phylo dough with butter, and nuts in the center. Then you pour this syrup on top. Does this look gross to you? I think it looks delicious. :/ But Tabitha, Whori's daughter, just made a face and asked what it was. My mom told her, and she goes "... It looks disgusting. I'm not touching it." I mean wtf? At least TRY it. :/ God damn. She wouldn't even let her two kids try it.
SPEAKING OF KIDS... I have never seen more disgusting, disrespectful, piggish kids in my life. neutral Tabitha has two kids, a daughter named Tiffany whose 8, and a son Andrs whose 4 (I believe).
Anyway... Christmas Eve, all Tiffany ate was cookies. (The ones my gramma made.) That's it. I made some Nilla wafers and put whip cream on top and a fresh berry. She went through them all, and ate the berries off and threw the cookie away. Those berries were expensive as ********. :/ I didn't want that little c**t to ********' waste the cookie just because, according to Whori, she "didn't like them." THEN LEAVE THEM ALONE. God ********' dammit. Oh, she had some cheese whiz s**t and crackers, too. My step dad Jim gave her a small stack of Ritz, but she grabbed even more. (She ended up with a plate full) And she put cheese on all of them. She went into the living room, and ate maybe two or three? Then took them back out and threw them away. Then my grampa came out and saw her, and she went back to the cookies. And he ended up screaming at her. lol What next? She runs out into the living room CRYING. Oh god, the lulz. The b***h had it coming. That s**t is expensive. :/ You don't go and waste it. Andrs? He "wasn't hungry." But he sure put the soda away. :/ And then he got "hyper" and was jumping all over and running into s**t. = = Pissed. Me. Off. Because he got reeeaaally close to Adrian's gift. And I swear to god if he stepped on it or kicked it (because it is breakable) I would of ******** ripped his a** apart. I'm not even joking. :/ His gift cost 150$ and I don't ******** around when it comes to Adrian. His s**t has to be PERFECT. I'll tell you more on the soda later. ;D But let's move to Whori, Tabitha, and her boyfriend Timmy. Timmy ate quite a bit which made me happy, Whori... the only thing she ate were these dumbass sausage things cooked in bbq sauce. :/ Tabitha "wasn't hungry."
Let's move to Christmas DAY. ;D My gramma and I spent all day preparing dinner. We had Ham, Prime rib, mashed potatoes, some vegetables, rolls, shrimp cocktail, pickles, olives, deviled eggs... some other stuff, I can't remember it all. = =;; Anyway... So they all come again, which we had to CALL them and tell them it was done. :/ We were all already eating before they all showed up. My gramma called her an hour earlier, and Whori said they were all watching a movie! Then my mom calls when it's done, and apparently Tabitha was "living in the bathroom." Then they show up, and Whori says that Tabitha "has been sleeping all day." lol Come on. If you're gonna lie, be GOOD at it. Or at least average. Anyway... so they all show up and get their food. Tabitha, being a dumbass c**t because of what my grampa did yesterday, (also because the night prior, Andrs had these gross boots and was making black mark on the RUG... = = That'll be fun to get out. My gramma called Whori and told her to make Andrs wear a different pair of shoes so he wouldn't mark up the rug.) so she stayed out in the car, and it was around -10 degrees. lol Because she "had a headache." Yeah, my a** has one too. :/ And it's name is Tabitha. Anyway... after about half an hour/45 minutes she comes in. Whori and Timmy had already eaten. (Timmy had quite a bit, and Whori just picked as usual.) Andrs ate some potatoes, and a roll I think. Tiffany ate mainly pickles and rolls. Speaking of... :/ We had to throw away all the leftover pickles, because that little b***h's mother told her that it's "okay to lick pickles" to make sure that they're KOSHER dills. lol If they're not, she can't have them. So Tabitha comes in and eats a small scoop of potatoes, a roll, and a small piece of ham. She doesn't let her kids eat meat. lol I mean come on, god damn. The boy asked Whori for some ham, and she gave him a small piece but Tabitha just stared at him. Whori/Tabitha are the people that if you're eating a hot dog, they cut it up into ******** 1/16" cubes. :/ "OMG YOU'LL CHOKE~" Good. Anyway, what really pissed me off.. Tiffany ate NOTHING but pickles and rolls. We made 20, yes. TWENTY rolls... Tiffany ate 70% of them. :/ God, I really b***h about her, don't I? There's so much more, but this is already getting tl;dr... >>
So about the soda I was saying... in two nights, with a combined not even four hours, we went through an entire 12-pack. :/ Just between Whori, Timmy, Tabitha, Andrs and Tiffany. We keep our soda in the pantry, and they just waltzed in and took whatever they wanted. :/ My gramma had an orange hidden in the fridge for herself for later, and Tabitha grabbed it. = = God they're all such selfish bitches.
We're also going to have to shampoo the rugs after the New Year. :/ Tiffany spilled ice cream and my Squirt, which is RED. On the carpet... Whori spilled orange soda, Andrs had cake and frosting all over... = = It was also my gramma's birthday. Probably one of the worst she's had. ******** meee.
Next year we're going to my cousin Laura's for Christmas. lol I'm not doing this any more. At least they all appreciate the s**t we do. B| Unlike Whori and the Fagteam.
So that's my bitching for now. ;D There's more to come.