This is mine:

This is hers:

I know the pictures suck, when they heal I'll get some betters ones. But it's a Poe, Ocarina, and some music notes.
The story behind it is; When Pickle and I were little we never really cared for each other that much. It was more like a "Hi" "bye" thing. lol I actually used to be alot closer with her sister, Laura. Buttt.. one Summer Laura didn't want to come over, so Pickle did. And that Christmas I got a N64, and the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And that was it. lol We played that b***h ALL summer long and every summer, and ever since then we've been inseparable. And as the years passed, we became closer and closer to the point of we both love each other so much it's almost sickening. 4laugh So about a year ago we decided, BFF necklaces weren't really our thing, so ******** it. Let's get Tattoo'd together! surprised And we finally did it. And this is something that can't be taken away or stolen or anything. 4laugh heart I love you, Anna. heart
OoT FTW. cool