Thats Sebastian. We went out for 2 or 3 months... not he is my best gaia friend.

This is Britt, Me, and Renee at my sleepover. we wore the same thing!
The nest day didnt go to well... we wore the same things again (just me and Britt were together) and this happened....
Eliza: welcome to CC's may I.... M--M--Megan and B--Brittany?

Megan: Eliza... you work here? wow. anyway... the teen meal... buffet. ok. and Britt wants...

Eliza: i like your matching outfits..... *sniff*

Britt: Thankyou. well i would like what she got.

Eliza: i see... cus your like.... twins???? (she sounded like she had a from in her trought or like she was gonna cry.)

Megan: no its just a coincidence. R u ok Eliza... maybe you should go on break and sit with... (Brittany pinches me) OWW!

Eliza: no, i have to work... thanks though.

Megan: Welcome. well, uhh... can we have our order?

Eliza: ah... oh ya. sure. *hands it to us* here

Megan: thanks... bye.