this is me and my freirdns on my yearbook cover. i was on the cover one year with my friends so see there.(not showing the real thing)
Renee, Cassidy, Me,Britt,and Katherine

See we were the 5. the click that had some rough times... and everyone thought were Kinna strange. the only thing keeping us from the botom of the chain was B-Ball player in 4th grade. had to LOVE that year.
now Katherine finaly got better friedns, cassidy moved to NC, renee moved to columbia, SC. now its just Britt and Me. and its ok.
But Eliza ruined it all in 6th grade. now its my turn to ruin it for HER. i do this by oucupying britt's time. im in every one of Britt's classes. im in for the goal.
ill tell you more about cassidy in my next entry. BYE BYE