About the Class-
It's composed of just 6 children. Each one different as kids usually are. Some of the students have powers, others are just not from this world. The children had been rejected by every other school, having come from all parts. However, Maddon J. Elementary was known for accepting any kid of any background, no matter what! But they would need a teacher who was extremely kind and patient with kids. Someone who the kids would look up to and actually learn from. Miss. Natsumi Arashi was chosen.
Miss Natsumi Arashi - She's a 1st grade teacher. Kind and patient. She understands kids and knows how to work with them. Often the one to take students on field trips and answer any questions about the world that they might have. Her previous line of work having been a child psychologist, she took to teaching as a way to help kids in a social setting so they would be less likely to end up in the psychologists office. When she learned about what kind of students she would be having this year, she knew it would be a challenge. But she prepared a new curriculum, one that would help the kids with their powers, but also with living in the world.
The Kids:
Alex (gimpi) - He's quite shy due to his handicap. He talks but it's very quiet. He hates to have attention drawn to himself which is why he nevers rasies his hand. He can often be seen, though, trotting along behind Emily. Being part angel and part demon, he isn't sure of what will become of him when he gets older. He's 7.
Kink ( Nartian Rock) - A hyper young boy from space. He loves to wear brightly colored clothing and hopes to be quite famous one day and own his own clothing line. At times though, he can be a bit critical of what the other students wear, but he's very good natured. He's 6.
Rina (sd plus doll) - Rina loves flowers and being outside. She even proposed that we start a garden outside in the field. We stuck to have potted flowers on the window sill of the class. Rina is becoming great friends with Bella. They're both in charge of tending to the flowers. Rina is also very happy and bubbly. She's 7.
Bella (Kottan Bell) - She is basically like Rina. However she tends to be a bit more mature. She likes to help out in the class (passing out papers, helping the other students with their work ((when she's finished her's first)), cleaning up, handing out supplies, etc). She's certainly no goody goody, she'll get rough if need be, but only to keep someone in line! She has flying abilities and the ability to grow plant life in a snap! She's 6.
Kami (Yama no Tamago) - Kami is quite peculiar. He seems to be very curious about a lot! He tends to get into a lot of things, going through the other kid's stuff, picking up things that don't belong to him, placing foreign objects in his mouth, etc. He gets watched closely but the other students help to keep him in line. He understands what no means and will stop doing something if told to. He can fly as well and he loves karate. He's extremely talented at it. He's 7.
Emily (the nightmare) - Emily is the oldest of the students. Even though she's only in first grade, she seems drawn to a dark world. Little is known about her as she doesn't give out much information. However, it is known that she has the ability to go into other people's dreams and cause whatever happens to the person in the dream, happen in real life. So if the person gets cut in the dream, they'll wake up with a cut in the exact same spot. She's 8.
Mr. Gruns (Grunny) - Mr. Gruns is the class pet. He's never bitten anyone...yet. He's a smart grunny too, as well he should be. He's 97 in grunny years!
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Current Avi: Me in real life. I'm female btw