Just me, babbling about another band/artist I found in my dad's CD collection.
Today, it's Alanis Morissette.

My dad sold all of his CD's on ebay recently,
and I was helping him go through the sold ones when I came across
"Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie".
I must have skipped right over it a hundred times
in my race to download stuff on my ipod.
So anyway, after enough begging,
he let me steal it for a while so I could quickly download it
before we sent them off.
I love her already.
Turns out it was a CD my dad bought for one song,
and that one song wasn't on it.
He didn't like her other songs,
so it was to the back of the cd cabinet with it.
No wonder I never found it.
There's so much stuff in there...
If I had found her before she was sold on ebay...
she would have gone in my keepers pile in a heartbeat.
Well I got Alanis on my ipod anyway.