I've gone into "lock myself in my room all day" mode again.
Could have something to do with losing two more friends to homeschool.
I dunno. Parents just think I'm being a lazy a**, as usual.
I'm not going to tell them why I'm so pissed off.
They'll be all helpful about it today,
and next week say "you're talking a bunch of bullshit!" and whatnot...
I've already heard my dad's "I was a loner like you" speech once this weekend.
I don't need it again.
If I want to listen to it, I'll recite it myself thank you.
A few days ago my dad told me all the
stories of how "perfect" he was in highschool...
like I haven't heard all that s**t before.
Honestly, I don't give a damn how flawless he was.
It's just his way of telling me
"I was perfect, so you have to be perfect too".
Nothing is perfect dad, not even you.
As much as you'd like to think that.
Screw that.
He also went on the "I was a loner like you in High School".
Who the ******** said I was a loner?
I may not have 50 million friends, but I'm not alone either.
What's with my parents and assuming stupid s**t?
Like my mom assuming I was bi, because some of my friends are.
Using my normally huggable nature as an excuse of course.
She doesn't realize the difference between bisexual and lovable.
[ is she going to start going "OMG the cats are bi!" next..? ]
She goes on this whole rant about how bisexual people are worthless whores who'll "take it from anybody",
right in front of me.
One... that's just ******** rude!
I have a lot of friends that are bi,
and none of them are like that!
And then she goes "I'll still love you if you're bi".
Ha ha, yeah ******** right!
Like that's believable after what I heard her say.
Now she's just using my aunt's recent surgery
as an excuse to be a b***h to my dad and I.
The usual crap.
I mean, I can understand that she's upset.
But holy s**t, woman.
Talk about it with us,
don't just take your negative energy out on everyone in sight!