
"Asking for sympathy makes you look like an attention whore."
"Am I one? I would not say that..."
A teen, though he didn't look like one, was nearby a polluted lake. It was the only area he would be able to get some peace... some sort of it.
The worn-out boots he had on had a name written in some other language. "秀樹", It read. On the opposite boot, though it was covered with dried mud, had the name "Hideki" on it. To our knowledge, his name was Hideki. There was a "get lost" look on his face, and he was pissed off at the world around him.
The "tattoo" on his right arm wasn't even ink. It was a scab. An oversized scab. Ironically, it was in a shape of a... "Wolf... or possibly a dragon. I have not made up my mind on what it is supposed to be." Hideki told himself, almost as if he were on the verge on insanity. He was bored, and severely bored. He began to pick at the scab. "Stupid scab... it brings me horrible memories... but if I continue to pick at it, it will stay there as a scar.." Hideki thought wisely and took his hand away from the scab.
"Well, I really would not. Want to know why, buddy?"
"It sounds like you are asking to get a broken skull."