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/*them by Rockstar Soup` If you use this, comment in my pforifle ;D */
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/*theme by Rockstar Soup`*/
View User's Journal
The Archives Of The Average Video Game Whore.
This be Kid's Diary. Not a strategy guide.
I type whatever's on my mind here.
I know, having an online diary isn't the smartest thing to do. But whatever.
![]() |
Sora Kisaragi
Community Member |
This account used to belong to Latinosaur. C;
I'm Louie, sixteen, Fem, and single.
#1 Sora Kisaragi fangirl.
Don't ask who he is unless you really want to know. ._.
I'm Louie, sixteen, Fem, and single.
#1 Sora Kisaragi fangirl.
Don't ask who he is unless you really want to know. ._.