been sucha long time since iv writin enythn ere... mabey thatss cuz my life is boreing... i do the same thing every dayy... get on the computer.....go on gaia.....go on Ds.or wii.... play some random game and get bored of it 10mins later.....have a sleepover or stay at someones house for a bit(tho i prefer that then sitting at home all day)....have some sorta argument with my mother(i call her mother cuz she dosnt deserve to be called mum)....sleep...and blablabla... you get the point.
oh n this is a drawing of my avis pet dog.. i wish i could hava pet dog

im not to good at drawing dogs so ye...
XBloodSoakedYukiiX · Thu Sep 03, 2009 @ 08:13pm · 0 Comments |