This be Spazzi. Sheere's #1 hoe. Im hackin teh s**t outta her >O. But really, she's the bestest person evarrr. Seriously. Even though she doesn't like her signs. o; But her signs are awesome. (:
She be better than asians, yo. Buh-cuz nothings funny unless its an Asian. That rule doesn't apply with Sheere. Sheere is supa awesome, she be the shiznit She makes everyone feel uber special
Especially those noobs who love her so much (; Yah know like those awesome hoes named Strawberrii and D A N N 3 H ;D. Everyone loves Sheerbear o;
Imeanreallywhowouldnttapthat?She be better than asians, yo. Buh-cuz nothings funny unless its an Asian. That rule doesn't apply with Sheere. Sheere is supa awesome, she be the shiznit She makes everyone feel uber special
Especially those noobs who love her so much (; Yah know like those awesome hoes named Strawberrii and D A N N 3 H ;D. Everyone loves Sheerbear o;
Well I'm done hackin the s**t out of this awesome hoe called Chat. Listen to the power of her username, Chatwithmeforever. Chat with her forever and you won't regret it :3

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