thing is that shes ******** AWSOMEEEE. (even if you
don't like to admit it sheere >.> wink She's a good
person who doesn't take s**t from YOU OR ANYONE ELSE.
She is my besterest friend in the whole wide world!
So if you ******** with her im ganna ******** UP YOUR FACEEE
LIKE (me>>> wink FALCON PUNCH! (T.T)=o>(>.< wink ^ (<<<you).
So yeah anyways I LOVE YOU SHEERE! XOXO

Sheere is basically the s**t, be jelous of her super awesomeness. Everyone loves her, but im sure noone loves her as much as me, except maybe sam xD But shes an exception. Anywhooo. Shes so much fun to hang with or talk to so get to know her or you suck monkey balls.
Deep down, you're the one. The one, who in my eyes, is perfect. The one solid thing in my life, the one permanent situation. The one person who didn't give up one me, who saw through the changes, the difficulties. But do I see that? Is that how I feel? Am I willing to be up my being for you? To let you know what makes me, me? Is this really what I want? I love you. But is that really enough? Do I really know what love is, is that my attraction for you? I don't know if I can do this anymore. I don't know if I'm trying to protect you, or keep that defense up for myself. To hide from what I really feel. Because in all honesty, hurting you destroys me. Your the reason I'm here, your the one who gets me through the day. But that's slipping away. The reason of my objection for love only proves itself. I have fallen, I have fallen for the cliche stories. My love for you was unbelievable, I couldn't help but lose myself in the feeling. But for what? My heart is breaking with every word that I say to you. I can't lie to you, or myself anymore. The protection around myself is too great for me to love you. I'm selfish, because I'm afraid of this wonderfly terrifying feeling.
It's not worth the pain anymore.