One day a new boy had come into class and met the girl of his dreams,she would never tell him of course.The boy walks over to the girl and says a little,"hello". She looks up at him and says,"Hi.." He kind of sat in a chair next to her desk and asked,"so...are you busy...tonight? She smiled and replied," Yeah,im a busy little bee.". He looked at her," Well,i guess i will see you later...?" He asked. She smiled faintly,"Yeah,bye". Later that week they were at the market and the boy had found the girl there as well. Her face had brightened with joy and she waved at him. He looked over at her and strolled on over to her,"Oh,hey!" He said and waved back at her small-like.She laughed and said," Fancy meeting you here,huh?" She smiled. He chuckled and looked her in the eyes,"heh,yeah." Just then a deep voice boomed through the store,"This is a robbery hands up!" The Boy and the girl put them up and the robber grabbed the girl and held her at gunpoint. "Don't anyone move! Or The girl gets it!" He shouted angrily. The boy charged at the guy knocking the girl and the gun down. The robber grabbed the gun and shot at the boy. She yelled and ran for the boy," No! i cant believe you!" She screamed and grabbed the gun and shot the guy. The boy went to the hospital.The next day had come to pass. The girl met up with a friend and talked to them about the boy. " he ok?" She asked twittling her fingers in wonder and fear. The friend closed their eyes and looked down, "He's in the hospital, they say he's making a recovery, but can't open his eyes...."They said to her and patted her shoulder. She let out a tear or two and replied,"I can't believe this!". They sighed, "Yeah I'm sorry...." The ring of the bell brings the girl back to reality in class, and she jumped right up.As she ran out the door, she called, "See ya! "The girl went to the hospital and saw the boy. His eyes were close,but his mouth moved. He slowly spoke,"Who's..there?". He said strongly She smiled to see him able to speak,"It's me" She smiled and held his hand. "Your here?" He asked in a raspy voice. "Yeah" She said and st in a chair. The boy slowly opened his eyes. "Before I die I wanted to see you....Tell you what I wanted to say I--". "Your not gonna die! You can't! You won't!" She shouted sort of squeezing his hand. He frowned and replied, "I will and I wanted to say I love you I always will I'll watch you too!" He said and he squeezed her hand as well,with what little strength he had left. A tear fell from her cheek and onto the boy's hospital bed. He wiped the remaining mess on her face as she continued to cry. He opened his eyes just a little and he smiled for her...and only her. "goodbye....i'll miss you." He said and he tilted his head and no more movement was emitting from him. The uplse generator had changed its rhythmic and lively beat and went straight and loud. She cried so hard,she could barely open her eyes as well,"No!!" She cried for the one she had loved most in her life. 2 days later they found the girl dead with a knife in her heart. Her mother heard her say, "Here I come". What really happened was she missed him and couldn't stand it. She couldn't love anyone like him.
-- If you would die to save your love post this to your profile.
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[i:573b56f5ee]when i said id tap that, i meant BlitzWing♥[/size:573b56f5ee][/color:573b56f5ee][/i:573b56f5ee]