Redone by: xXVandread DitaXx and D00dlebugg
Info:Kaira is a shy girl around new people. She loves to make friends and she is every bit nice to her known friends,the Autobots.
She holds the key with the allspark power and she is the 'Chosen one'. We must protect her at all costs from the Deceptocons.
She doesn't have parents,she lives with us which makes it so much easier to protect her. On the plus side she can teach us so many new things about organics.
Appearance: [drawn]
Name:ArrowDrive [Arrow]
Age:6,000 Human years,16 Autobot years
Info: I ArrowDrive hail from planet Cybertron. I protect the ones i care for and try to defeat all evil in my way.
We,meaning Kaira,BumbleBee,Ratchet,Optimus,BulkHead,Prowl, Live in an abandoned factory,it helps keep the organics away.
Optimus assumes command around all of us but when we're alone,we protect others and say what needs to be done.
Appearance: [drawn]
Kaira and Arrow were driving down the highway. Kaira,making good conversation with Arrow and watching the views as she passed by. They got off the highway,and changed lanes. When suddenly,the infamous StarScream swooped down and attacked Arrow and Kaira. They assumed immediately that he wanted Kaira's key. Arrow instantly Transformed and held Kaira in her hand as she prepared for another attack from the traitorous Deceptocon. "Give me my key you insolent fools!" He shouted and ran towards both of them. "No,not today...i dont think." Arrow said and she covered Kaira with her other hand and she ran through the streets,dodging all the cars. Arrow was with Kaira alone because the Autobots had missions to do around the city and duties to do. Arrow ran through the streets and looked behind her and saw StarScream up and fly for them. She was careless and StarScream had flew past them and he grabbed her by the shoulder and held her over the city. He was in his Deceptocon form but jet boosters held him up. "Arrow,please dont fall!" Kaira shouted as she held on to Arrow's hand. Her shoulder had been dented in and she was struggling to break free of StarScream's hold. "My key?" He said oh so evilly and he dangled them over the city. StarScream was instantly shocked by some powerful force. Arrow was confused and she looked over at a building. It was BumbleBee and Prowl! They stood up and held there heads high! "Prowl!" Kaira shouted. "BumbleBee help us please!" Arrow said helplessly. She kind of swung Kaira and let go over to Prowl,"Catch her!" Arrow shouted depending on Prowl.
He accepted her fall with open arms. He caught her and held onto her in his hand. "Thanks,Prowl." Kaira said and blushed. She secretly like him,but she didn't want to make their friendship awkward and broken. Arrow flipped her legs up and kicked StarScream in the chest. He let her go and she fell down to the city,she hit a building but she was sort of alright. She struggled to get up and looked around,rubbing her scratched head,"Sorry,guys." And she jolted up the building for BumbleBee and Prowl. She met up with them and combined her beam with bumblebee's. They just barely hit StarScream and he was knocked out of the air. Prowl jumped down the building carefully. and made sure Kaira was alright,"You okay, Kaira?" He asked."Yeah,I'm okay." She patted his giant metallic finger. "It was scary!" She said and she plopped down and sat in his hand. She held her key tightly and made sure no one could get it. prowl smiled and walked back to base,he knew the others could handle it,besides,Kaira needed to be protected and she was the main focus of this attack. So as long as she was safe and everything,the Autobots were safe. BumbleBee sent StarScream and he made sure he didn't come back,not for a while. "You....okay? You got hurt pretty bad..." BumbleBee asked. "No,its okay...I'm fine." She replied and she tried walking,she ended up falling and dragging her foot. BumbleBee sighed and helped her up and he walked as she could walk. She was so embarrassed. She looked the other way and walked. They got to base and found Kaira and Prowl playing cards on the coffee table. "What...what's that?" Arrow pointed at the cards. "Is...is it an organics game?"She asked curiously. "Its Solitaire!" Kaira said cheerfully. "Sol-o-tire?" Arrow asked and sat next to her. It was fun because Arrow was dented up and everything yet her only focus was the game. She wanted learn about and normal organic games. Kaira looked up at Arrow with a timid face. "What.....What are you doing?" Kaira asked Arrow. 'Im.....watching you play Sol-o-Tire with Prowl,"She pointed pointed at the flying cards Prowl was shuffling. Kaira rolled her eyes as Arrow watched the game. Optimus was still with the Elite Guard too. Bulkhead was painting,BumbleBee had found some broken paint brushes on the ground. He made a 'face palm' gesture,he picked them up and threw them in the trash. He went back to the room Kaira was in. he sat on the ground and played video games. He found them himself,not people. Kaira had found some new ones for him and he enjoyed them like a little kid. It was funny when he yelled in joy at the game because he got a high score or he won. Prowl made one move on the card game and he closed his eyes in humor-like fear,hoping not to lose to Kaira,who had just taught him the ropes of Solitaire. kaira watched them as they went about there normal activities when Optimus wasn't around. She stared at them and then back at Arrow,who was silently watching them,she held her knees in and rocked back and forth. Kaira spoke up,"Dont...dont you guys need healing or something?" She asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing,prowl dropped his cards the table. Arrow fell on her back from her knee-held position. She started laughing,"Oh yeah! i totally forgot!" She said as she felt no pain at all. "Dont you guys feel pain?" Arrow kind of chuckled and said instantly,"Nope" She received Kaira's healing form the key,as did everyone else. Kaira smiled and felt so much relieved that they weren't damaged anymore. "ok,now you go like this." She said showing Prowl and tip or two about Solitaire. She smiled as he beat her in one game. Arrow held her finger up,"I...i wanna learn about these...games...can i?" She asked. Kaira smiled,"Sure!" Prowl frowned as Arrow pushed him aside,he still watched though. They played for about ten or twenty minutes then they switched to checkers,Kaira brought it up and Arrow just had to learn about it.
About five minutes later,Arrow made a move, She picked up a black checker piece and slid it across the plaid red and checker board. "King..me?" She said in a question-like tone. "Aw,you win again!" Kaira said grumpily. Arrow smiled and kind of clapped silently. Just then an alarm sounded and everyone put everything down and gathered to the main computer room. The computer read out: 'Energy shard revealed itself in a factory assembly line of cleaning bots for house duties.' Optimus just like ran through the doors of the factory and found no one was there,he then went to the main computer room and saw everyone gathered around the computer that had the message. "Guess you guys already know." He said.he put his fist to his mouth and cleared his vocal processor. "Ratchet,BumbleBee,you stay here and protect Kaira." He continued,"Everyone else,Prowl,Bulkhead,ArrowDrive, Transform and roll out!" His orders were like music notes in band and everyone knew what it meant followed them exactly.Arrow, BulkHead, Optimus and Prowl all rode in a straight line in the street,politely obeying traffic laws. They arrived at the factory,it said Simmons and co. on the title board. They Transformed and walked into the building,blocking the little robots attacks. They couldn't really do anything. They fought them as there amount had died down,when,Megatron had blasted through the windows. "Give me the girl and the key!" He shouted and threw a punch at Prowl. He had fallen out cold. "Prowl! Optimus,it was ambush!" She said dodging Megatron's beams and punches. She ran over to Prowl and held his head up. "come on!Get up!" She said worried. Back at base,Kaira was walking back and forth in front of the T.V worrying her head off about them. She also held her key tightly,hoping everyone would be okay especially Prowl. Ratchet stood next to her course of walking,"Calm down,they're all fine." He said trying to reassure her. "Yeah,they're tough guys and all!" BumbleBee said kind of shrugging and helping her not to worry. He sat on the floor just watched her. That's what Optimus told them right? Watch her and protect her. Ratchet turned around and sighed,"This is gonna be tough." He said miserably. Megatron had hit Optimus directly in his chest. He fell and took Megatron with him. He head-butted him and he stayed down. Optimus picked Megatron up and punched him in the face plate. Megatron grew impatient and he pushed Optimus out of the way.BulkHead tried hitting him but he knocked him away as he did Prowl and Optimus. "I didn't come here to fight,but i could have. My strength would be wasted on you,where is the girl?!" Megatron barked. Optimus tried getting up but he struggled and looked at Megatron who was walking toward him.He picked Optimus up and got in his face,"Tell me weakling Prime,where is the girl?!" He demanded. "The last thing I'd tell you is where she is! I would be offline and keep her location with me!" Optimus growled back. He pushed Megatron away with his feet. And he went flying. Kaira sat on the couch and started crying because they hadn't been back in two hours! "uwah! i dont think they'll come back!" BumbleBee quickly jumped up and looked at her then Ratchet. "Her eyes are leaking! what do we do?!" BumbleBee asked worried. "Its called crying you dummy! and according to organics they need to be comforted. " He said holding up a book. It said 'Depression for Dummies'. BumbleBee snatched the book out of his hand and read the tiny little pages. "Do something you like,maybe your favorite game or think about a loved one?" He said curiously. He sat next to Kaira and asked,"Whats....a loved one? Do you love someone?" kaira,faced him with a wet face and blush marks.
"i...i do but its.....its a secret."She said shyly. "ah,but you need to stop crying!" he said with his hands up. "I promise,ill stop,I'm just so worried about them." She said wiping her face. Just then,Optimus and the others,walk in the room,Optimus went straight to the computer room.
Arrow was holding an unconscious Prowl. Kaira ran straight up to Arrow who was still holding Prowl. Kaira kinda jumped up and down for him eager to see his face. Arrow gently lay him in front of her. "Oh my god! what happened?!" Kaira asked. "He...he got hit...." is all Arrow would say. Kaira quickly took the necklace to Prowls chest and jammed it in there. He jumped up,feeling the key. "What.,....happened?" He ask slightly rubbing his had. He was perfect condition now. Kaira got up and ran to him and hugged his leg. That's all she could reach he was so tall to her. He patted her head with one finger. "How bout you teach me checkers?" He asked. He knew she felt so bad so he wanted to cheer her up. BumbleBee watched them as Kaira immediately cheered up. He smirked and said to himself,"ahh,no secret now." He said. Arrow jabbed him in the sight with her elbow. "dont ruin it for them...please?" She asked beggingly. "Off to train,coming?"She asked over her shoulder. "Yeah,gotta get everyone together."
He said. A few minutes later,everyone was training,some complained but they went anyway,first in was BumbleBee and the rest of them. Kaira tried lifting a fifty pound weight but she couldn't. Prowl stood behind her,offering a hand. He picked it up with no problem. Kaira frowned and crossed her arms,"No fair!" she said. He then handed her a ten pound weight. She struggled but she got it,"I know! Maybe when i get older, i could like a....a thirty pound weight!" She said with the other fist in the air. Prowl smiled and went back to training as she did. They all trained for about an hour,time limits speed test,BumbleBee the speed demon. For Strength tests,BulkHead had come to be the best. In case of emergency,leadership skills, Prowl was fit for second in command, and for will-power it was Arrow who could endure a lot. For Kaira,her specialty for the team was keeping the fighting spirit. Arrow sat down and slowly laid down. "Im so tired i can be put offline." She said exhausted. Prowl only laughed at her tiredness. She raised a fist at him,"Dont make me force the same results on you." She said and she kind of fainted and fell asleep. Optimus smiled and walked over to Arrow and held her head up,"Come on get up,no sleeping in the training room." She didn't wake up so he carried her to the couch,Kaira,followed Arrow and sat next to her head and sighed,"It's like being drunk!" She said. "Drunk? what's that?" Optimus asked. She explained it to him and he could barely contain himself. Kaira looked over and as Optimus left,Prowl came in,"Can i learn....poker?" He asked curiously. Kaira would've been more than happy. She taught him the basics and then they started another hand. Prowl showed hi five cards to her,she analyzed them and the at her four cards,she looked at their values and she came with an answer," you win,five of a kind beats pair of two!" She said and she threw her arms up and cards went everywhere,"oops" she said. Arrow finally woke up and she had been watching them for a while now,she learned the game too. she waited and they played about five more hands,Prowl winning with three victories and Kaira with two. Arrow woke up and put her hand on the table," I challenge you Prowl!" She said confidently. They were always competitive. Kaira stepped aside to be the judge and make sure they had a fair game. They started and Arrow looked at her cards immensely. She then said,"im in" And Prowl smirked,"You're bluffing." Arrow guessed he must've had a lower hand since he wasn't confident in it,so she showed him four aces. He did face-palm and sighed. After a while Kaira got up,"Whelp,ima go get a sammhich now,be back.I trust you guys!" About ten minutes later Kaira came back and the room had scattered cards all over. "I couldn't leave you guys for ten minutes?! ten!" She went to look for Prowl and she was correct on her first guess. She walked up to his 'tree of solitude' and struggled to climb it. "What happened?" She asked while climbing,she got to Prowls branch and he was upside down so she flipped upside down to and let her arms fall freely. "We...fought." He said and looked away. Kaira patted his metallic shoulder and smiled, "please dont be enemies."She said and the her feet had given out. She fell and she almost hit the ground and then prowl grabbed her leg and set her back on the branch up right. She then looked at him,"im your best friend,if you need anything,talk to me...ok?" She asked and ran off. Arrow was in BumbleBee's room playing video games with him. She was only mad at Prowl,that's all. When she was mad at someone she gave them the silent treatment. BumbleBee didn't know what happened because he was confused,Arrow wouldn't really play games with him,she'd always watch instead. Just then,the alarm had sounded. Everyone had gathered to the main room where Optimus was. "Guys,Megatron has made a move and he's looking for something." He said and he thought of a plan. "This might be a big fight so we'll take Kaira with us since we need all of our comrades." He said. They all understood. "Transform and roll out!" He said. They drove along side the rode and Kaira rode on Prowl. She held onto her necklace while her other hand held one of his handlebars. When they arrived,sure enough, Megatron and the others were there. They stood behind him, tall. The Autobots Transformed and ran at there chosen opponents. BumbleBee,fighting BlitzWing had collided fists with him. Prowl and Arrow took on StarScream. Bulkhead fought LugNut. For the ultimate battle,Optimus and Megatron. Ratchet stayed by Kaira to protect her. BumbleBee shocked BlitzWing with the highest shock he had,he sent him flying,BumbleBee chased him to finish him. Arrow dodged some missiles StarScream had sent out. She thought of a plan and made her way to Prowl. She told him the plan and dodged several more missiles. He nodded and Transformed into a motorcycle. He drove far away and he sped towards Arrow. Just as he was about to crash into her,he transformed back and grabbed her hand,she flung him into the air and hit StarScream's back wing. He got knocked out of the air instantly. What they didn't know was that he had fled. They looked around but couldn't find him. Not anywhere. BulkHead launched his cannon ball at LugNut and hit him smack in the face. LugNut was so obsessed with brute force that he never payed attention to strategic combat. Optimus charge for Megatron and he readied a punch for him. Megatron tried jumping but he was too late. He hit him and it turned into a tackle. Megatron threw Optimus off and he hit a building and was out of it but still,there. Megatron used this precious time to flee and find Kaira. He got ratchet from behind and threw him off balance. He took Kaira in his hand and motioned for them to leave. Optimus shook his head and ran to Ratchet. He told him and he looked up. Sure enough,Megatron was getting away with the most valuable war item. Prowl saw and he wouldn't give up,he jumped a few buildings and jumped at StarScream and Megatron. He reached out and for a brief moment,Kaira and Prowl's hands had almost met, her small fingers couldn't reach though. Kaira struggled and yelled for Prowl,Megatron tightened his grip on her and she stopped. He used his other hand to use his specialty sword. He stabbed it through Prowl's side and used the gun on it too. It,as well,shot through him and damaged him more. Prowl looked at Kaira and smiled,"I did it..for you,but i failed...im sorry...Kaira." He said. He wanted to make sure she was the last thing he saw before dying. At least he thought he did. Kaira screamed and yelled and tried escaping but Megatron would never let her go,not even in a million years! Megatron got away and everyone met up with Arrow,who had went to Prowl first. They looked at his dull and un-colored body. His eyes weren't even giving off a glow anymore. The glow that was always there. Optimus looked at him,He would go this far for someone who didn't leave much of an impression on him. Seeing that must've cut deeper than any blade could,he thought. Before leaving Arrow told them to go on there won and shed take a while. They acknowledged her and left her alone. She looked up. "im so sorry Kaira" She said. Megatron landed on a building and Kaira could tell it was a new base. Megatron put her in a bullet-proof glass box with small holes in it so she could breathe. StarScream piped up,"oo!oo! can i control the shocks?!" He asked. "Yeah sure whatever!" Megatron replied. He walked up to the glass. "You cared about that wasted piece of metal?" He asked trying to taunt her. Kaira turned the other way and buried her head in her knees. She cried so much. After a while,Megatron's failed attempts to make her build his army annoyed Kaira. She lowered her head more and then she lost it. She ran up to the glass facing Megatron. She hit the glass furiously over and over. "I cared and he's not a piece of metal!" She shouted in pure hatred. She looked up at him with soulless eyes,more intimidating than his own,slivered crimson projected eyes. She still was defiant in his orders and he got impatient. He hit the glass just to scare her and he looked over at StarScream,"Dont use too much,maybe...just maybe,we'll see how her valued item feels then!" He was only trying to make her more mad because he enjoyed making people miserable. StarScream chuckled and grabbed a lever's handle. He slightly pulled it down. Kaira looked up,the box had then sent out immense shocks. It flowed through her body for about four seconds then the shock ceased. Kaira fell of over-shock,she hit her head from falling. "Megatron turned and growled at StarScream,"How much did you use?!" He shouted in anger. StarScream shrugged,"I dont know! thirty volts or something!?"He replied" I thought she could take it! i didn't know! sorry!" In the background you can hear BlitzWing,"Idiot!" Megatron looked at Kaira with his electronic eyes,"You thought wrong." He said deeply. Then Arrow came up with something. 'If the shards are so powerful,then they should be able to bring him back!' She thought then she took him home. She lay him down in his room an went to get a shard. She opened the radioactive box that contained the shards they've previously collected. She took one and ran back to Prowl. "please work" She rose the shard and then jammed it his chest He jumped from the power but then he went back,lifeless. Blue lines streamed all over his body,like circuitry. They continued for about five minutes and then they faded away. Arrow waited for something to happen like for him to get up or say something. She waited and gave up,she went to put the shard back but before she could, she felt someone's hand on her arm. She looked around and then looked down. It was Prowl. She looked at him with the most sincere smile she had. He looked over at her with half opened eyes. "Kaira?" He said. Its all he could say basically. Arrow looked at him and thought of something,"You'll....you'll see her soon,right now you need rest....alright?" She asked him. He pathetically nodded and closed his eyes. The next day,the Autobots were doing their best to track Megatron down. They were in the area where his old base was. It was torn down and a mess. They looked over it for clues or something. Nothing. "Keep searching." Optimus said. They were then in the are of his newly found base,but they didn't know. Megatron wanted to stall the Autobots so he sent out a group of drones to keep them away. The team immediately spotted them and as did they. They destroyed almost all o them and they retreated back to Megatron's base. Prowl was right behind Optimus and determined to get his revenge. "Revenge is a dish best served cold." He said to himself and thought about Kaira. They got to Megatron's base and they barged right in. Kaira was in the glass box but awake now. "They've come for me!" She shouted. BlitzWing turned to her with his anger,"You are going to stay right here!" He shouted. Kaira gave him a mean look. StarScream looked over at Megatron who was already running to stop them from the espionage. He had an idea and he put his plan into motion. He grabbed the lever and pulled it all the way down and then back up. That pushed her to her limits. She fell,almost dead but not really. "Sorry Megatron but it looks like I'll be taking your army." He said and made BlitzWing open the box,he took her out and went to escape. Prowl rushed to where Kaira was. He saw StarScream who was just about out of a broken wall. He ran after him and jumped. He was in jet mode but...Prowl couldn't fly. He reached out for StarScream himself,but he dodged. He managed to get a hold of his leg since he transformed. He looked at Kaira,she cant be! She just couldn't! they need her so... he thought. He had a good grip,so he wouldn't dare let go. StarScream was aware of Prowl. "Hmm,that might work!" He said laughing maniacally. StarScream had his own base,kind of better than Megatron's old ones. It was an abandoned military plain carrier. It was all under his control. He pushed a button on his arm and the doors opened. He swooped in and kicked his foot out,making Prowl fly in. Gravity was not on his side. He hit a wall and struggled to get up. StarScream landed in front of him, he was so much bigger than him. He picked him up and he was still a little dazed. He set him down. He put Kaira in a make-shift prisoner's cage. He laughed at the thought, his work didn't go to waste. He went around the base to do some things and then came back to Kaira who was now awake. She looked around and was confused,she was still very upset about Prowl for she didn't know he was there. "Ah,awake now are we?" He said with an evil grin. "oh but dont worry,im not as bad as that overgrown piece of junk!" He said walking around some controls and setting them. "But i could be unless you count forcing and bending the will of others so easily." He said and finished the last set of controls. "First,im going to ask you to make the army and if not,you get shocked again,if you dont comply again. You'll be put in a world of pain you haven't felt before!" He said. He sure talked a lot. Optimus took on Megatron while BumbleBee spotted the escape of StarScream. He went to go check the side of the building that had the hole. He looked at the box and the controls,"They are the worst!" He said. He looked at some of the controls that spelled out Cybertronian words he couldn't really read. It was that stupid Decepticon language too. BlitzWing prepared a sneak attack and tackled BumbleBee. "Get away from those controls!" He knew they contained information and Megatron would be so disappointed if it was in the hands of the Autobots. BumbleBee fought back while Optimus fought Megatron. Blitzwing's crazy personality laughed as he threw a pile of rubble two times the size of BumbleBee. He tried dodgine it but he couldn't. Arrow ran to help BumbleBee, she kicked BlitzWing away. "That hurt!" He shouted about three feet away. She walked to him while saying," 'Supposed to,it was a butt kicking!" She picked him up by his whole face and threw him back at the wall. "Ill tear you to pieces!" His wreck less personality shouted. "I'd like to see you try!" She said and held her fists up. Little did she know,he had a new weapon he made himself. He got up and she put her fists up,but that didn't help. He shot an E.MP. beam at her and stood up. "Maybe i can brainwash you and make you a minion for lord Megatron,hah! zat would be great!" He hissed. He set it to a higher voltage and shot it again. She fell backwards from being over-powered. "Zat's it?! you're zo veak!" He said and put the pistol away. BumbleBee threw the pile of rubble away and sprung up. He ran to BlitzWing and jumped on his back. Blitz wing tried shaking him off but he wouldn't let go in a million solar-cycles. Megatron threw Optimus away and ran after BlitzWing,"Let's get out of here! we'll find StarScream and get the key!" He said and flew out of the side of the building. BlitzWing nodded and shook BumbleBee away. He hit the wall behind BlitzWing. BlitzWing almost forgot about Arrow and took her too. Optimus got back up and ran to BumbleBee. "What happened?!" He asked. BumbleBee sat up,"Arrow...they took Arrow!" He shouted while Ratchet worked on him. Optimus hit the wall,"I was careless,how could i let this happen?! now two of my comrades are missing,including the most important organic!" He looked down. Arrow woke up. She looked around,her imaging sight was....sharper. She looked around and tried moving but couldn't. She was tied to a table. She looked around more and focused her visual sensors. "Ah,avake now are vee?" A voice said. She looked up,above her head,loomed BlitzWing. "Where...am i?" Arrow asked. She still struggled a little. "keep still! we cant....heal you,yes,with you moving vee cant fix you." BlitzWing said cleverly. "What...happened?" She asked looking at the blue divine insignia on her chest. BlitzWing held up a picture of the Autobots. "You're a Decepticon.You vere fighting zeese guys, took zem all on your own! you're crazy,thinking you could defeat zem yourself! we saved you from merely being put offline. we brought you back to our main headquarters." He said, fixing up a wound she had on her leg. Arrow looked at the insignia of the Decepticons on her chest in curiosity. "Wh....what's this? You have one too,what does it mean?" She asked. He put the tools away. BlitzWing switched his personality to Random and closed the tool container. "Thats our beautiful symbol! It represents us Decepticons!" He shouted and walked away to tell Megatron her memory failure and that they had a new member. Arrow looked to her side and saw her reflection on a shiny cabinet. Red eyes and a new face stared back at her. She didn't know it though. You're a Decepticon! echoed in her processor. BlitzWing came back after about an hour. This time,Megatron came with him. He walked up to Arrow and examined her. "She does seem like a good fighter i must admit,but....are you sure?" He asked BlitzWing. BlitzWing nodded. Megatron lifted his head and cut the restraining cables on Arrow with a small laser. She sat up and looked around. "Who are they?" She pointed at the picture of the Autobots. "They...are the ones you must destroy...before they destroy you." Megatron replied. Arrow rubbed her head and felt a small hole. Megatron handed her a strange piece. "Your com-link was damaged so here's a replacement." He said and Arrow pressed it into her head. "Arrow,i need you to do a mission for me,it would help in our autobot conquest. Retrieve this key and the girl along with it. If the Autobots get in your way,stop them at all costs!" He explained and brought up some computer statistics on Kaira and the key. Arrow nodded and scanned the coordinates to StarScream's base. She was just about to leave but BlitzWing stopped her. "I'll go with you to make sure you have recovered fully. Fail on Megatron and its to the scrap heap with you!" He said warning her to do her best. She stepped out and tried Transforming into her previous car. She couldnt. "You're a jet....remember?" He said with one lazy eye. Arrow nodded,'no'. She sighed and Transformed into a jet. She flew off with BlitzWing and went to hunt Starscream,the key,and Kaira. Little did they know,Prowl was there as well. Optimus,Ratchet, and BumbleBee spent hours looking for Kaira,Arrow,and Prowl. BumbleBee looked up at two jets flying by in the air. They twisted away and boosted South. "over there!" BumbleBee shouted and showed Optimus the jets. "Thats definitly BlitzWing...but whose the other one? new member? great." He said,not knowing it was his own comrade. Optimus and the others followed the jets to an abandoned militay plain hanger. "wow,this place is huge,lets check it out but silently guys." Optimus said. BlitzWing and Arrow Transformed and silently snuck around the base,finding Kaira and her key,along with Prowl. "Odd,why is that rust bucket here?" He said queitly. "Is that an autobot?" Arrow asked and BlitzWing covered her mouth. "Be quiet,do you want to get caught?" He asked silently. He resumed sneaking and waited until StarScream left the room. BlitzWing examined the box and snapped his fingers. He walked over to some controls. Arrow looked at some explosive vials and BlitzWing told her to stay away. She looked at the girl in the box. She walked over to Prowl. "Arrow! hey Arrow,over here!" Kaira called to Arrow. She was still recogniable. Arrow turned around,her crimon eyes,staring at her. "How...how do you know my name?" She asked. Kaira gasped and frowned."What happened to you?!" She asked quietly. Arrow was puzzled."What do you mean? nothing happened....you still didnt tell me how you knew my name." She said and got up. She was kind of mad that someone knew her name but she didnt know their name. Were there more people that knew about her? did they know anything else about her? She turned around angrily and examined Prowl. He was knocked out from StarScream hitting him against the wall. Kaira sighed and sat back in her cage. "What did he do to you?" She asked herself remembering her old friend. Solotire? "dont you feel pain?!" "nope!". Memories flew around her head. BlitzWing fiddled with some buttons and got the cage to 'click!'. Kaira got up and tried running out. BlitzWing caught her. Optimus was right around the corner and he watched everything,including Arrow's confused reaction to seeing Kaira. He feared the worst,she was a Decepticon now. BlitzWing made sure Kaira wouldn't get away. He stopped at Prowl and let Kaira see him off. BlitzWing walked away and before he did,he kicked Prowls foot. Arrow frowned at Prowl. War of Autobots,hm? She thought to herself. She flew off with BlitzWing. Optimus walked over to Prowl and tried booting him up. He looked around and saw the box was open. "kaira...where's Kaira?" He asked kind of lazily. He noticed the stasis cuffs he had on and sighed. Optimus had a key the Elite Guard gave him. He opened the cuffs and helped Prowl up. He motioned for BumbleBee and Ratchet to look ahead and make sure there wasn't any obstacles in their way. StarScream came back and noticed the box was empty. He Transformed into a jet and looked around the hanger,he spotted Optimus and the others. "You! Give me my key back!" He shouted. He didn't notice Kaira wasn't with them. Optimus stayed behind the others and made sure they could get Prowl out of there. "It belongs to Kaira!" He said making StarScream think they did have Kaira. BlitzWing held Kaira by her jacket,kind of shaking her for amusement. "Hey my jacket's not handle!"She shouted. Arrow was ahead of BlitzWing but then she went next to him. "Where are we going now?" She asked. BlitzWing stopped messing with Kaira and looked up,"Back to headquarters of course!" He said as Random and then switched to Icy. "So zat we can build Megatron's new army and maybe dispose of this when we're done." He held Kaira up. She looked at Arrow with innocent eyes,Arrow frowned and looked ahead. Kaira sighed and looked down then at BlitzWing who was looking up at Arrow.
Blitzwing lead Arrow back to Megatron. "you didn't fail did you?" Megatron asked "no, we have her and the key" Blitzwing said as he held her up. Kaira heard the threads of her jacket ripping "hey this is my favorite jacket, you lousy Decepticon!" she yelled at him angrily. "Shush you! you are in the presence of our glorious leader Megatron!" Lugnut said to her angrily. "you'd think i haven't heard that before." Kaira said as she rolled her eyes.
StarScream was furious now "i don't care! Give it to me!" He fired his missiles at Prime in his anger, he forgot to aim and missed Prime with every shot. Prime looked over his shoulder and saw that the others had gotten Prowl out of there. "time to go." he said and ran out of StarScream's base. "get back here!" StarScream yelled and flew after him. He transformed into a jet. Just as he flew low down to Optimus,they entered a cliff tunnel. StarScream's wingspan was too big and he crashed between the opening. Optimus and the team had gotten away,safely.Blitzwing handed Kaira to Arrow. "hold zis for me." Arrow nodded and held her by her jacket. BlitzWing and Megatron left the room to get things ready for his army. "You never told me how you knew me..." Arrow told her. "Arrow! it is me! Kaira! We're friends!" she sighed. "But BlitzWing made you a Decepticon!" Arrow chuckled,"Stop filling my hard drive with lies! Humans are so obsolete and they are so primitive. Megatron's way of lead need to be put into shape around this planet." She said and dangled her a little. Kaira fidgeted at Arrow's fingers."Stoppit!" She shouted. Arrow was so amused.
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