° Quote my mushy

° 3-Chibi Sketch or headshot sketch/lineart °
° 5- Chibi sketch/lineart or headshot colored °
° 8- Chibi colored or Bust colored °
° 10- Waist up sketch/lineart °
° 15- Waist up colored °
° 20- Full body lineart/sketch/color (depends on my mood/your request) °
° Fill out an order form with (I want Nao to draw me ---) in the Others section when you want to trade in your mushies °
there's been some people who have seem to left..
so I think I will give away their points...
*ones marked with the *asterik* will be giving away their points*
*however, if they return within 3 days, their points will be given back to them*
seababy250 - 4*
A k i r a - R i h i t o - 1*
Glass Soldier - 1
Yuunhi - 2*
anime_hunter - 1*
Nekumi Uruwashii - 20 6
angelicsesshomaru - 1*
Sexy Babii Devil - 6*
Rageru Ichi - 7
LittleDemonMegami - 4*
lizmuttmom - 1*
Shearis Ookami - 2
iC h i n e s e - 7/8
S y n f u lApocalypse - 1/3
evil_munkay10 - 3
[Celtic..Lore] -1
now what I want you to do is, roll a number from 1-30 to try to receive the following's points
1-Sexy Babii Devil - 6* lul...
3-seababy250 - 4*
5-LittleDemonMegami - 4*
7-Yuunhi - 2* Won by S y n f u lApocalypse
9-anime_hunter - 1*
11-angelicsesshomaru - 1*
13-lizmuttmom - 1*
15-A k i r a - R i h i t o - 1* Won by iC h i n e s e
Username: Nekumi Uruwashii
Ref for what you want drawn: <3
Others: Art from Nao pls. xD Um.. Can you make her hugging an alien plushie? <3 Traditional colored if you can &3