
--17 Years
--Uses her seductive features and abilities on males and claims that she will one day take over the world as a great dictator. She skips class regularly and gets terrible grades, it is a wonder why she has not yet been expelled.
--She has silver elbow length hair with bangs going to the left that goes as long as past her eyes. She has two strands of hair sticking out in front and the rest of her hair is in the back. Her eyes are slightly lighter than the color than her hair and she wears black head phones not because she listens to anything on it but because she likes to ignore people with it. She wears a uniform jacket and a regular black skirt along with long black boots.

--17 Years
--A male named Nao that has the same face as the female Naomi but is completely opposite of her personality. He is bullied by everyone in his school for looking girly and tormented by each day that he has to go through it. Because of that, he has become distant with nearly no friends and has a cold attitude towards people. It is later revealed that he is Naomi's doppelganger.
--He has nearly black, short and spiky hair. Two strands of hair sticks up at the top of his head. His eyes are a light grey. He wears a uniform black jacket with black pants.
--Unknown Age
--He eventually goes to meet with Naomi to tell her that the other Naomi is her doppelganger and that she will die soon.
-Laes Redivivus "Divus"
--17 Years
--A boy with an odd name and nicknamed by Naomi. He is in love with Naomi and constantly trying to get Naomi to try to love him but is always rejected.
--16 Years
--Hides a crush on Divus. Groups together with the two and drags Naomi to class every once in a while so she won't get expelled.
--17 Years
--His motives are unclear but he has an unusual affection to Naoki and constantly praising his looks and personality.
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