Miss Rocket Queen
Kimber Rae Evans

I'm Known As
Kim, Rae, Evee
I've Walked the Earth for
22 years
Yes, I'm a
being of the female persuasion
And I Like
beings of the more masculine variety
Story Time Loves!
Kimber, given name Kimberly, was born somewhere in the valley in 1963. Her mom, a registered nurse, is named Phyllis and her dad, a traveling salesman, is named Ted. She is an only child and grew up reading romance novels in the attic while other kids were outside playing. At the age of 13, she met a girl named Clover whose parents were groupies of The Merry Pranksters in the 1960s. Clover introduced her to the electric guitar and bands like Black Sabbath. The two started a band but it fell apart when Clover's nomadic parents moved the family to Cincinnati. Kimber became even more anti-social and spent all her time writing music and lyrics to play on her guitar. Kimber's parents, always gone and busy, began to have marital problems. Kimber's mother was having an affair with a doctor she worked with. Kim's father found a letter he had written Phyllis and the two filed for divorce. Because they were technically Catholic, Kim and her mother were all but shunned by family members because of the divorce. Kim's father left the day after filing for divorce and she never saw him again. Phyllis married the doctor and spent even less time with her daughter. At age 16, Kimber met a guy named Rod who was in a band called Super Slush. They were a local favorite for skater kids and were in talks with a small record company looking to sign them. Rod took an interest in Kim and they started to date. Kim joined the band as a roadie/groupie/backup singer and went on tour with them all over California. The relationship became heavy fast because Rod expected certain things of his barely 16 girlfriend, but scared of being left, she did whatever he asked. Eventually he began to drink too often and constantly abused her. At 18, Kimber left Rod and the band and found herself alone in La La Land. Her first night alone, Kimber ended up meeting up with a few skater kids about her age. She went to this big punk show with them and was completely amazed by it. Two of the band members were girls. One was this crazy tall chick with half her head shaved. She was playing a sweet hot pink electric guitar. After the show, Kim got the guys to introduce her to the girl. Her name was Jasper. Instantly, Kim knew she needed this girl, for whatever reason. She crashed at Jas' house that night and became a permanent resident soon after. Within weeks, she was in Jas' band. Soon the band was offered a spot in a contest where they could win a record deal. Kim was completely excited, but Jas wasn't. She sat Kim down and told her that she was pregnant and her mom wanted her to come home to have her baby. She apologized and told Kim she felt awful, but Kim wouldn't hear it. She packed up all her stuff and left Jas. That's when she ended up on Sunset Strip. She saw the Dollhouse and a sign outside advertising help wanted. She went in and realized what sort of help they wanted. But, having no one or nothing, she suppressed her fear and took the job they offered her and has been there ever since.
Just For Your Information
I Come With Music!
She Bop by Cindi Lauper
Blue Eyed Wallflower Is At The Keys.