But besides that, today has been boring. It is only 10:30 in the morning. I was going to do something this weekend but I don't think I am anymore. Maybe I will try and set something else up, and maybe this time it won't end in a epic fail.
These Costco croissants suck. They are so flimsly and soft... eh.
I was going to say something funny, but I don't remember what it was now.
So last night, I took a shower. Yay. But I'm not done with my story. So I got out of the shower, and I could feel the floor vibrating, so I knew my parents were watching one of their concert dvds. Whatever, I didn't think much of it, until... I turned of the vent. And I listened... and I thought, 'I know that drum beat!' So I opened the door... and I though, 'I know that voice!' So I ran into the living room (which is only like two steps but whatever) and guess what my parents were watching? Oh yeah. Those beezys were watching my Live in Chicago dvd! MINE! And I was going to watch that today, with my friends, maybe. But oh well. I won't mind watching it again wink
I put mousse in my hair yesterday after I took a shower, and now I am having a really good hair day. But I can't show it off. This hair will just go to waste... aw, so sad.
And now I am positively not doing anything today, because my plans have just been ruined since no one can come. This is horrible. I almost dread weekends now. As much I love them because I don't have to go to school, they're just boring. I do the same thing all weekend. Watch the same things. Listen to the same things. Wow, my life is boring. If my life was a reality show, no one would watch it.
This music is so awesome it's distracting me from writing. Or typing, I should say. Typing. My only exercise for today. Unless I go to Wal Mart... I really want some Sour Skittles. Sour. Hour. Power. Cower. Uh, I ran out of words that rhyme.
Here is a peek into my weekend:

Yeah, I actually had to edit that picture a lot. I resized it and it got all weird so I had to fix. I have crazy patience sometimes. Crazy good, that is.